Pakistan’s Recipe to Disaster

As per the latest Moody’s international report, Pakistani Rupee would continue to depreciate versus US dollars; the latest report said that Pakistani Rupee would further depreciate by 15% in 2012 to Rupees 99 a US dollar.

The report set alarming bells across all sections in Pakistan where the people and businesses are hoping for some good times by 2012. Report has also shaken Foreign and Local investor’s confidence from Pakistani Capital Markets and those who were planning to invest in Pakistan for longer-term period.

This report provides good chance for Pakistani people to invest their rupees in places where there are high returns. One of the best avenues is of course the money market, the other one is Gold where they can get higher returns.

But the situation in regional countries is highly surprising; currency rates of countries like India, Bangladesh and Afghanistan are higher in value than Pakistani rupee. No one can forget that just a decade back Indian rupee and Bangladesh Tika were extremely lower in value than Pakistani rupee, and one Pakistani rupee was equal to 10,000 Afghania.

And still Afghanistan is heavily dependent on Pakistan for its food supplies and most of Pakistan’s wheat is smuggled into Afghanistan that causes Inflation inside Pakistan.

Pakistan by pursuing weaker currency policy is on its verge to disaster. Government of Pakistan should take hostile steps to defend its currency and save the economy against IMF as open market operations would kill the economy on just negative perceptions and not fundamentals.

Best Assignment Help Tips

Assignment is the most irritating task for students and their parents. Often, students don’t want to do assignment as they want to spend a quality time instead of doing assignment. They also don’t understand assignment’s importance in education. Simply it doesn’t looks like a milestone in education but it is a way to learn by doing himself. It demands dedicated time and concentration to prepare assignment properly which is also the most difficult task for most students. Although we can make it more enjoyable and learning procedure through using some easy tips and tricks.

Set up a study place at home
To complete the assignment accurately, you must have a study place at the home, which should be free from all disturbances such as television, music or loud noise, which are the most disturbing particulars in study. A peaceful and silent study place will motivate the children to study and to do assignment properly. As study place you may choose a specific room, or fixed table in a room or any available quite space at home.

Fix a time schedule at home to study
Fix a specific time schedule for study at home regularly. You can say it study time or assignment time. This time no activity must be allowed to students such as sports, music, television, internet surfing, etc. but study. Inspire them to devote their time in study at the time. You should also try to give them a disturbance free and peaceful environment to study that time, so that they can be concentrate on their assignment.

This would be better if they will start their assignment immediately after coming from college as what they learned at college is fresh in their mind. Fresh information will help the kids to do work properly and accurately. In addition to, children can use their evening time for games, sports and extracurricular activities which is the most suitable time for games and sports with their friends.

Provide your help and skills
It is true that students can do work more easily and quickly if parents help them. It is okay sometimes to do their assignment, but remember your role should not be a assignment doer. You should act as helper and motivator. As helper you can facilitate them in assignment by using your own skills and intelligence. You can guide them about how to read or study? You can make easy tips to accomplish the assignment quickly. Develop habit to do assignment themselves to enhance their self-esteem and self respect. They will learn more by doing assignment their self. Don’t forget, too much help can make kids dependent on other which may result in a poor student.

Divide assignment in easy tasks
Categorize assignment in different sections accordingly to easiness. If you feel your child is intelligent in a particular subject, choose first that subject for assignment and further. You may divide assignment in little tasks also to enjoy the study time. Assignment should not be a boring or stressful job. Try to make it more pleasurable and enjoyable to add some little funny tasks related to study.

Hire a subject specialist tutor
You may hire a tutor to complete the assignment if you find yourself unable due to time problem or subject specialization. You may ask his/her school teacher to suggest a name for assignment tutor, which should be an expert of his subject. A tutor can make easy to do assignment along with to develop better learning skills.

Contact Us for Assignment Help

USA/Canada Toll Free Phone: 1-877-839-9989
USA/Canada Toll Free Fax: 1-877-839-9989

Marketing Strategy and Marketing Strategy Plan

Marketing strategy pertains to a company plan that apportions its valuable resources in ways to bring forth maximum profits by positioning products or services and targeting explicit consumer groups. Marketing strategy of a firm concentrates on long-term company objectives (Peter & Donnelly, 2002). It is related with the planning of different marketing programs so that company become able in realizing its goals. In other words, it is a process that can appropriate a firm to focus its limited resources on the maximum opportunities related with increasing sales and attaining a sustainable competitive advantage (Proctor, 2000).

Different Elements of a Marketing Strategy Plan

A marketing strategic plan of an organization involves strategies, tactics and tasks required to carry out an organization towards its goals. A marketing strategy plan has four substantial elements that are as follows:

• Product: It involves decision about a product offered by the company. This is related with product name, characteristics, benefits offered, product variations and packaging. Decisions about all these aspects are essential for a firm to make a successful marketing strategy (Kurtz, MacKenzie & Snow, 2009).

• Price: This element of a marketing strategy plan is related with product price and its comparison with the price of other products. The price is a most important factor in the success of a product. The marketing strategy significantly assists in planning about the price at which a product can be offered to its customers along with all possible discounts and offers.

• Place: Another substantial element of a marketing strategy is place that pertains to channel of distribution through which a product or service will be distributed to its customers. The determination regarding channel of distribution cab be undertaken effectively with the help of marketing strategy plan (Ferrell & Hartline, 2008).

• Promotion: The last element of a marketing strategy plan is related with promotion that includes decision about how a product or service will be promoted to its target market. It includes decisions about message and selection of different channels of media like print, television and internet advertising.

Importance of a Marketing Strategy Plan

In present competitive environment, it is essential for all organizations to have a marketing strategy plan as it may direct organizations resources towards utmost profits. Marketing strategy plans serve as a framework for a company’s employees in the management of their marketing mix. It assists management in attaining all its pre-determined marketing objectives (Kurtz, MacKenzie & Snow, 2009). It serves as a foundation for company’s marketing plan and assist in accomplishing all its marketing related activities. In this way, it can be said that it is vital nowadays that every organization operates with a marketing strategy plan.

Ferrell, O.C. & Hartline, M.D. (2008). Marketing Strategy (4th Ed.). Cengage Learning.
Kurtz, D.L., MacKenzie, H.F. & Snow, K. (2009). Contemporary Marketing (2nd Ed.). Cengage Learning.
Peter, J. P. & Donnelly, J. H. (2002). A Preface to Marketing Management (9th Ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional.
Proctor, T. (2000). Strategic marketing: an introduction. Routledge.

Assignment Help | Management Assignment Help


Pakistan's Economy is uncertain; no growth, job cuts and super dooper inflation! In my previous blog  i've explained Phillips Curve which indicates that whenever inflation is high, there is growth and more employment opportunities but the present situation is completely opposite to that model.

We are seeing Higher Inflation at a time when our country is not growing, there are more job cuts, low GDP growth which is almost equal to our population growth rate. This situation can be refer as Stag-Inflation.

It is the situation when both inflation rate and the unemployment rate are high. It is a difficult economic condition for a country, because inflation and economic stagnation are occurring simultaneously, and until recently no macroeconomic policy had predicted this occurrence.

There is the inflation in the economy because of the money inflow, it means that government is spending money but on unproductive things which are not creating jobs or increasing the GDP size possibly because government is spending money on things like Security and in maintaining their lavish lifestyle.

So who to blame? Well i m going to blame the government which is spending tax payers money on unproductive things which are not creating jobs or increasing the GDP size; And, on the other hand they are pursuing policies such as increasing the taxes on Karachiites, increasing the power charges etc which is shaking the investors confidence.

IMF role here is also to be blamed which is forcing the government to reduce money supply in the economy at a time when the country is at war and facing numerous other challenges at the same time which is also shaking the investors confidence.

Google Launches ‘Google Places’ for Pakistan

Google Places is free web based service by Google where business owners can create their business listings alongside publishing all important and useful information for their customers.

Business owner can provide all important and useful information ranging from company name to contact numbers to their physical location on map. Not only this, you can add business timings, photos, videos and much more. Furthermore you can also create customized vouchers/coupons to attract more customers.

Business information once submitted to Google Places is then available from all of Google publically accessible services e.g. Google Earth, search, maps etc. Also visible from Google Maps iPhone application.

For a detailed and interactive idea on how Places work and help your business grow, please watch the following video.

Creative Advertisements Job Portal Ad

Here is what we call creative marketing. Given below are few 3D advertising hoardings put up by a job portal company in Denmark's capital city Copenhegan.

You Tube Productions | Online Video Production Company

With the advent of You Tube growing all around the world the future of entertainment would be "Broadcast Yourself". You Tube is easily viewable on different internet platforms including Facebook, Blogger, iPhone, Android, Nokia and of course Google TV.

Hence it's important to ensure the highest level of quality in video production by exercising creative control on many stages of the editing process so that your video is viewable by internet audiences and your event look at its best.

Karachi Economist provides video production, animation production and editing services serving the corporate, advertising and direct response industries nationwide. We have a proven track record of producing effective corporate sales, training and direct response videos. We focus on using the power of video to deliver a strong Return on Investment.

We can help you with Sales Video, TV Commercials, Corporate Video, Training videos, Info commercials, HD Streaming video, Event production, Crewing, Photography and Mobile productions.

Our studio is equipped with state of the art systems that when used by an experienced video producer will yield the video products you need for personal or business requirements.

eCommerce Marketing Plan

In my previous blog i've discussed eCommerce websites, i have said that it is very important to have an eCommerce marketing plan. In this blog i will take this dialogue further by focusing on eCommerce marketing strategy.

The industry of e-commerce is one of the fastest and most dynamically developing industries worldwide. In 2002 total volume of retail American e-commerce sales was fixed at $44 billion, one year later it increased to 56 billion and 6.3 trillion in 2005.

Now, we know that there are many eCommerce websites online earning huge revenues and there are some which fail! and the only reason for failure is the lack of having an eCommerce marketing strategy.

Your eCommerce marketing strategy should include Facebook, Google, TradeKey, Alibaba, Ebay, TCS, Print Media, Youtube, Blogger reviews, Newsletter, Call Center, Live Chat etc

For successful eCommerce marketing plan and its services; you can contact Karachi Economist online!

Online Shopping Revolution

Online Shopping phenomena is on the rise in Karachi where people are preferring to buy their daily groceries especially products like clothes, shoes, books, cell phones and laptops online.

As people are getting more busy with their jobs, they cant afford to go out in the markets in summer heat on sundays to buy their desired products. With Online shops they can easily buy anything while sitting in front of the Internet, which also provides them huge information about the product from its description, photos, videos to the customer reviews.

Online Shops are also providing many facilities to the consumers to make their shopping a relatively easy experience. In early days Online Shopping was only possible with Credit Cards but now with the entrant of courier & logistics companies like TCS in this business which has made online shopping more easier by accepting payments at home at the time of delivery after proper quality assurance.

Online Store also saves your money on things like Property, after which you dont need to buy a property or pay for expenses that occur in keeping your store running. You would only need a  perfect Online Marketing Plan to be in the race of competition because you're going global!!

Windows Phone 7

The most awaited Windows Phone 7 by Microsoft Corporation has been launched yesterday. Here are some of its videos:

Contact Us For Any Assignment and Homework Query

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We are regularly recruiting assignment help experts for different fields who have passion to help students with their homework and assignments.

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Process of recruiting assignment help experts:

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• What exact help you need from our assignment help experts.
• Referencing and Word Count Requirements.
• Deadline.
• Suggested readings and Text book name, if possible.

> Our assignment help experts will evaluate your assignment or homework questions and within few hours (Most of the times within minutes), we will provide you our price quote for your assignment.
> You make payment for your assignment through Pay Pal or any other method and our assignment help experts will start working on the assignment.
> Tutors will follow all referencing, plagiarism and all standard academic writing requirements to help you with your assignment.
> Finally, submit you the solutions on time through email in the required format.
> We will be happy to help you with any clarifications required for your assignment and unlimited revisions.

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Google TV: TV Meets Web, Web Meets TV

Google, Intel, Logitech and Sony Join Together to Deliver Google TV Platform

DISH Network, Best Buy, Adobe to Support Bringing Devices to Market

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (May 20, 2010) — Today at the Google I/O developer conference in San Francisco, leading industry players announced the development of Google TV—an open platform that adds the power of the web to the television viewing experience, ushering in a new category of devices for the living room. Intel, Sony, and Logitech, together with Best Buy, DISH Network and Adobe, joined Google (NASDAQ: GOOG) on stage to announce their support for Google TV.

Over the past decade, the Internet has created unprecedented opportunity for innovation and development across the world, but so far the web has largely been absent from living rooms. With Google TV, consumers will now be able to search and watch an expanded universe of content available from a variety of sources including TV providers, the web, their personal content libraries, and mobile applications.

Search across TV, Web, and Apps

Google TV is based on the Android platform and runs the Google Chrome web browser. Users can access all of their usual TV channels as well as a world of Internet and cloud-based information and applications, including rich Adobe® Flash based content – all from the comfort of their own living room and with the same simplicity as browsing the web. When coupled with the Intel® Atom™ processor CE4100, Intel’s latest system-on-a-chip designed specifically for consumer electronics, the new platform will offer home theatre quality A/V performance. Sony and Logitech said they would be delivering products based on the new Intel Atom processor and running Google TV later this year. While Google TV is designed to work with any TV operator, at launch the user experience will be fully optimized when paired with DISH Network.

Google TV expands video choice from the hundreds of channels available today through a pay TV provider to the vast storehouse of video content available through the web and streaming videos. The Google TV experience is complemented by the ability to watch streaming video from leading content platforms, including Netflix, Amazon Video On Demand, and YouTube. Google TV will also have the capability to run apps from the Android Market.

To navigate the array of content that will now be available through a single device and on a single screen, Google TV introduces an integrated search experience to help viewers easily find relevant content across over-the-air and pay-TV channel listings, DVR, and the Internet, as well as a picture-in-picture layout to access multiple windows simultaneously. Google TV also features an innovative home screen to help viewers quickly organize their favorite content and personalize their TV viewing experience. Some of these features are only available with advanced integration from DISH Network.

Broad Alliance of Industry Leaders

Eric Schmidt, Google Chairman and CEO said, “We are very proud to be working with this distinguished set of partners, all of whom have decades of experience in hardware, design and retail.”

Sony announced plans to introduce “Sony Internet TV,” the World’s first TV lineup incorporating the Google TV platform. The first models are planned to be introduced in the U.S. market in the Fall of 2010 with the lineup featuring both a standalone TV model and set top box-type unit incorporating a Blu-ray Disc drive.

Howard Stringer, Chairman, President and CEO, Sony Corporation said, “I am delighted to announce the unique alignment of Google’s rapidly growing, open source Android platform with Sony’s unparalleled expertise in the field of TV design and technology. The addition of ‘Sony Internet TV’ will further bolster Sony’s comprehensive TV lineup and will fuse new levels of enjoyment and interactivity into the TV experience.”

Logitech will introduce a companion box that brings Google TV to existing HDTV home entertainment systems, easily integrating with any brand of HDTV and set-top box. The companion box will incorporate Logitech’s Harmony® remote control technology, and will include a controller that combines keyboard and remote control capabilities. The company also has plans to introduce an HDTV camera and video chat for Google TV, along with additional choices for navigation and control, including apps to turn a smart phone into an advanced controller for Google TV and home-entertainment systems.

Gerald Quindlen, President and CEO, Logitech said, “We committed to Google TV early on because it aligns with our strategy to support open platforms that enable new immersive experiences in the digital living room. While Google TV enables seamless discovery of all your content, Logitech enables seamless control over how you experience that content. We look forward to continued collaboration with Google and the developer community to create new Google TV experiences that have yet to be imagined.”

The Intel Atom CE4100 processor will power both the Logitech and Sony devices. Paul Otellini, Intel President and CEO praised the collaborative effort and said TV as we know it was being “reinvented.” “Today marks the next step in the evolution of TV. TV’s are becoming smarter as a result of the microprocessor and the Internet. Traditional TV programming will be merged seamlessly with the infinite amount of content on the Internet to enable every viewer to determine what they want to watch, when they want it. This is Moore’s Law transforming television, powered by the performance of Intel microprocessors.”

DISH Network has been a key partner with Google on advanced integration development for Google TV. The two partners began a joint trial over a year ago with more than 400 DISH Network and Google beta users. Based on the continuous feedback from the trial, Google and DISH Network have built the optimized Google TV experience that seamlessly integrates traditional TV, DVR and web content.

Charlie Ergen, Chairman, President and CEO of DISH Network, said, “Google TV marks the next evolution in television, and we are excited to be the first to partner with Google to bring this experience to our customers. Only DISH Network Google TV customers will be able to enjoy a unified search across TV, DVR and web; easily find related content; and manage their entire TV viewing experience. Additionally, the advanced integration will allow developers to create new and exciting applications to enrich the TV viewing experience.”

Best Buy will bring their retail experience and consumer expertise to the project, with Google TV devices being sold at Best Buy locations nationwide later this year. “Every day, our 180,000 Blue Shirt store employees and Geek Squad Agents work with our customers to get them the best home theater experience possible”, said Brian Dunn, CEO Best Buy, “We are thrilled about the new and exciting experiences smart TVs, like Google TV, provide to our customers - and we are looking forward to showcasing those experiences in our store and ensuring customers get connected to all the products and services that bring those experiences to life.”

Finally, Adobe Flash Player 10.1 will be integrated directly into the Google Chrome browser on Google TV, enabling viewers to experience tens of millions of web pages with rich Flash content including games, animations, applications, videos, audio and more. Shantanu Narayen, President and CEO, Adobe said, “An open web ecosystem offers endless opportunities for creativity and innovation. Flash Player 10.1 extends the advantages of full web browsing and consistent, rich experiences to smartphones, tablets, netbooks and Internet-connected TVs. We’re thrilled to be part of the Google TV initiative with other industry leaders who share a common vision of enabling access to the best web experiences possible.”

Opportunity for Developers

The demonstration at I/O highlighted the unique opportunity developers have to help shape the future of Google TV. Today Google announced that they would soon release a set of TV specific APIs for web applications, encouraging web developers to begin building unique web applications for use on television sets. Later this year Google will also release an updated Android SDK, which will support applications built for Google TV.

Google also plans to open source the Google TV platform to help spur innovation in the industry and so that other developers can benefit from the project. The long term goal is to collaborate with the entire developer community to help drive entertainment in the living room forward and to introduce the next generation of TV-watching experience.

For more information about the project visit

Press Release:|7140|nav_announcement

Pakistan Leading Brands Are Working in Collaboration for Flood Victims

MKRF - Mir Khalil-ur-rehman foundation who own Geo television and Jang group of newspapers has launched an appeal with Imran Khan, the leading politician and former Pakistan cricket team star for Pakistan Flood Victims.

The People can donate in the Fund through any of these available options:

1) Cheque
  • They can submit their cheque directly into the Habib Bank Account # 06027900799703 Swift: HABBPKKA
  • The can submit their cheque to any of the TCS outlet anywhere in Pakistan
  • They can call at this Toll Free: 0800 00048, and TCS Agent will come to their place to collect the cheque
2) 4361 - SMS
  • People can also donate Rs. 10 via SMS by sending blank message to 4361
* The most astonishing part is that RS. 10 + tax are the charges of this service, Tax is collected despite this amount is for charity, even in the US all $10 SMS for Pakistan Flood Victims are free from all the government taxes

Pakistan's leading auditing firm AF Ferguson & Co. (member of PriceWaterhouseCoopers network) will Audit the entire process so that the people are assured that the donated amount is spend on the right people. Assuring proper utilisation of donations by Imran Khan Flood Relief (IKFR) programme, Imran Khan said that funds would be distributed in a transparent way. He said the programme would devise short and long term strategies, adding that, in the short term, necessary items would be distributed among the flood victims, while the long-term strategy would focus on rehabilitation of the displaced people. The PTI chairman said that volunteers are being invited to assist in relief activities.


1st LAW: Soaring Health-care costs are only the symptoms. You've got to start treating the disease.

2nd LAW: Investing to keep employees working and healthy beats paying for them when they are out and sick.

3rd LAW: Sickness costs more than Wellness

4th LAW: Unmanaged Diabetes and Hypertension can hit your bottom line as hard as inflation and competition.

5th LAW: Throwing money at health-care costs won't make them go away.

6th LAW: Cover health-care costs before they happen

7th LAW: Lower Health-care deductibles are the new competitive advantage.

Thats it!! You can follow our Lifestyle blogs for more on Healthy Lifestyle.

Indian Rupee to Get New Currency Symbol

Indian jury has given its verdict: the symbol of Indian rupee will change, retaining its Indian character with an international flavour. The five-member panel has chosen IIT post-graduate D Udaya Kumar’s design from among five shortlisted symbols and recommended it to Indian Cabinet for approval.

Kumar's symbol (on the right) is an amalgam of the Devanagari 'Ra' and the Roman capital 'R' without the stem, very much in line with what Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee had envisioned. "We intend to formalise a symbol for the Indian rupee which reflects and captures Indian ethos and culture," Mukherjee said in his Budget speech this year.

The chosen symbol has the Finance Minister's approval, said a Ministry official. The Ministry had organised a symbol design competition with a prize money of Rs 2.5 lakh with the condition that it should be applicable to the standard keyboard, be in the national language script or a visual representation and should represent the historical and cultural ethos of the country.

The basic aim of the new Indian currency symbol is to provide the Indian rupee with international recognition and to isolate it with its current abbreviation of 'Rs' used by its Arch rival Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka.

Kumar's concept, an official said, is based on the Tricolour and "arithmetic equivalence". While the white space between the two horizontal lines gives the impression of the national flag with the Ashok Chakra, the two bold parallel lines stand for 'equals to', representing balance in the economy, both within and with other economies of the world.

Displaced People in Bangladesh; They Aren't Pakistanis!!

As an economist, I always speak for Free-Immigration but after studying the case of displaced people in Bangladesh often hyped as Pakistanis by some media outlets here which is wrong as these people are originally from Indian state of Bihar and had migrated to Bangladesh after the creation of Muslim state of East Pakistan in 1947 from Indian state of Bihar and other Indian areas.

I am surprised that why these people are dubbed as Pakistanis as they have nothing to do with the land of Pakistan nor they have ever been here nor their forefathers. If these people are allowed to come to Pakistan due to strong lobbying of "General Pakistan Repatriation committee", then this will only create huge economic burden on the country's resources.

These people are living in worst conditions near Dhaka the capital of Bangladesh and are numbered in between 250,000 and 300,000. The state of Bangladesh is providing them free electricity and water with the help of fundings from International donor organizations including UN and Pakistan. If these people are allowed to immigrate into Pakistan then they will only create huge slums and more lower HDI for Pakistan.

What Government of Pakistan needs to is to make clear announcement that these people will not be allowed to immigrate into Pakistan as they will be the burden on the country's economy. Government also need to return funds taken from their lobbyist and announce a major aid package for Bangladesh.

Samsung Karachi Expo

Samsung Electronics organized an Exhibition of a wide range of Samsung products in Karachi's Pakistan Air force Museum, where visitors were provided with a first-hand experience of Samsung's revolutionary 3D TVs.

The consumers were thrilled by this fantastic display of Samsung's latest products including Digital Cameras, Mobile phones, Air conditioners and 3D LED TV products. Professionals and management of publications and media along with consumers including Techies and bloggers were seen curiously exploring the features and technology of 3D TVs at this innovative show.

The General Manager Samsung Pakistan Mr. Steve Han said; 'The Samsung 'Universe' Exhibition in Karachi has surpassed our expectations and proved to be a highly successful Mega Event. Samsung is the first company to offer a complete 3D product line-up including TVs, Blu-ray player and home theater. This vast festival at the PAF Museum Karachi also delivered the amazing experience of Samsung's highly evolved 3D technology to the consumers. In future, our global research will bring more attractive and exciting products for the Pakistani consumers, including the best-in-class 3D experiences.'

The festival also featured 3 gaming zones. Another highlight of the show was a photo studio where the participants were getting their pictures taken and cheerfully walked away with instant print-outs of their photographs. 3D TV display became the center of attraction at the Exhibition.

Also on display were the fastest PCs, Thinnest Monitors, high-capability Printers, Side-by-Side Refrigerators, classy Microwaves, and Virus-Free Air-conditioners from Samsung. This electronics giant also offers the 'Bada mobile platform' and an integrated store of games, navigation, social-networking, and other lifestyle applications called 'Samsung Apps'.

Launching Karachi Economist

MediaXpress Inc is all set to launch Karachi Economist, a new service that will provide easy and open access to high-quality multilingual academic output in a single, cross-searchable portal. “A wonderful treasure trove of easy-to-find resources”.

Karachi Economist will support free markets, globalization, free immigration, and will only accept the propositions of Keynesian economics which deemed more "reasonable".

Their primary focus will be on World Business Politics and Economics, but they will also runs regular sections on science and technology as well as on books and the arts. They will support increase in government health and education spending and also their "stimulus" plans for economic development during recession. With roots in classical liberalism, Karachi Economist will disfavor any government interference in either social or economic activity.

FIFA 2010 World Cup Ends Without Sialkot-made Football

Unlike in every FIFA World Cup, where Pakistan is represented in every game in the shape of Sialkot-made Footballs, but unfortunately this year all the Footballs for the FIFA World Cup South Africa were made in China and not Pakistan.

Pakistani footballs, of course, have a long history of being kicked around in Football World Cup tournaments. From the iconic Telstar (which was the first designated official game ball, at the 1970 Mexico World Cup and then at the 1974 World Cup in Germany) to the even more iconic Tango (the official ball of the 1978 and 1982 World Cups in Argentina and Spain), and even at the last World Cup in 2006 in Germany, hand-stitched, high-performance from Pakistan - really from Sialkot - have been the preferred choice for Adidas, the official providers of match balls to the FIFA World Cups.

At one time, Pakistan’s export city of Sialkot was catering to 85 per cent of the total world demand for high-quality inflatable balls, but No longer. Technology is a major factor in tilting the balance against the local industry. The penetration of machine-made balls hit the Sialkot hand made stitched soccer industry.

In order to cope with the menace of machine made balls, the SME Development Authority has at put in place the final steps for the establishing of the Sports Industries Development Centre. It is expected that this project worth Rs435 million will enable the Sialkot sports manufacturing industry to adopt modern technology, without which there is no going forward.

Pakistan & China bond, US out in the cold?

China has agreed to invest in Pakistan's energy sector. President Asif Zardari is in Beijing at the beginning of a week long visit. And with that deal, and rumours of further nuclear agreements in the offing, U.S. influence over Pakistan appears to be waning. Dr Anatol Lieven from King's College says for Pakistan, China could soon replace America.

Higher Inflation for Lower Unemployment

Many people wants the government to resolve the issue of Higher Inflation - Increase in domestic prices of commodities and the issue of Unemployment in the country. But many people may not be aware that both Inflation and Unemployment are inversely proportional to each other.

When economists look at inflation and unemployment in the short term, they see a rough inverse correlation between the two. When unemployment is high, inflation is low and when inflation is high, unemployment is low. This has presented a problem to regulators who want to limit both. This relationship between inflation and unemployment is the Phillips curve.

British Economist Phillips has collected the data of the British economy from the year 1869 to 1957, the study was the most empirical one then been theoretical. The Study clearly shows that whenever unemployment is high, inflation is lower and when inflation is higher, unemployment is low.

You may be wondering why this happens, why both of them cant be mutually achieved by any government, so the reason behind it is that more jobs will be created where there is more money supply in the economy. More money supply in an economy leads to higher inflation. So the government in any country has to choose between inflation and unemployment.

Economically speaking i think government should focus on declining unemployment rate in an economy then stopping inflation. Lower unemployment rate will be more beneficial for the economy in the long run.


Ruinous Role of IMF - International Monetary Fund

IMF just want a country to increase its exports or decrease its imports to improve Balance of Payment situation. Increase in exports in short term is not possible, every country tries its best to do it and if it hadn't met this challenge before then how can it is possible that it will do it after IMF loan. So the only real policy of IMF is that a country reduces its imports.To meet this challenge they impose a number of restrictions on a country so that it can reduce money supply with in its Country. They also monitor this activity and then give their first grant of Loan.

The measures to decrease money supply within a country include reducing fiscal deficit, increasing taxes, increasing price of goods, devaluation of currency which all result in decreasing of country's money supply, Lower standard of living, Increase in Unemployment, Decrease in Investments and Lower Output of the country.

For a country to grow it is necessary that it import goods and keep on doing it until it meets a certain elasticity.

Where to Put My Money

At a time when Pakistan's economic situation is so much volatile and bank interest rates are at the lowest, everyone is wondering where to put their money. For starters there is the stock market. Yes, really. Unless you genuinely believe capitalism is dead, the stock market should be considered. It has consistently outperformed every other asset class, including Real Estate.

Some companies in the Karachi Stock Exchange pay a very high dividend. Okay, it is conceivable in these unprecedented times that this oil giant will cut payments to shareholders, but it seems a risk worth taking. If you don't have the luxury of time – a prerequisite for investing in shares – there are other options.

Like you can invest in National Savings where the rate of interest is very high compare to other avenues and also the situation is not as volatile as in Stocks. But again the problem is Pakistani Rupee which is depreciating since the new Pakistan Peoples Party government sworn in.

So you can also turn to the last refuge of the desperate: gold, which is proving an impressive, if volatile, performer during the financial crisis. Either buy the stuff via gold exchange traded funds, which trade on the stock market, or pop down to a bullion dealer and buy a bar of the hard stuff which you can then store it in your cellar. Other things you can do is: Buy an Apartment, A Car, Invest in Mutual Funds, Start a Business or Go Shopping. 

My First Post

This Blog will cover my views on the Economy. Till then keep on reading my technology blogs at,, My City Related Blog, My Lifestyle Blogs and my personal blogs at
Wildcards for Searching help By Assignment Help Experts

Wildcards are tools that add power to Boolean searches. Wildcards allow different word endings to be accounted for using just one symbol. Usually this symbol is the asterisk (*). When a wildcard is placed at the end of a root word, any possible endings can be added to the root.

For example, a search for information about management could be done with the search term manag*. As a result, articles mentioning manage, manager, managers, management, and managing would all appear in the search results.

When using wildcards, place the wildcard symbol where the variation in word endings is most likely to begin. Making the root word too short may retrieve unwanted results. For example, man* would retrieve not only the desired information about management, but also unwanted information about man, people named Manuel, etc.
Wildcard Searching Step-by-Step

Step 1: Formulate your search using appropriate keywords
Example: stress and management and students

Step 2: Identify keywords that may have varying word endings.
Example: management, manage, managing, student, students, etc.

Step 3: Use a wildcard to allow for varying word endings
Example: stress and manag* and student*

Step 4: Run the search in an appropriate database.
Note: Most databases use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard.

Essay Writing Tips By Experts of Assignment Help

Essay Writing Tips By Experts of Assignment Help

Students are expected to write essays in almost every educational course. These tips from should be useful for student in preparing their essay assignments. It will help you get best out of your assignments.

1 Read guidelines provided by tutor and also your Module Guide/Handbook as it has information on your assignments, i.e. title, marking criteria, learning outcomes, recommended reading, word count, deadline, etc. If you are unsure, ask your lecturer.

2 Underline key words in the essay title set (& number the tasks you need to cover). Read & re-read the task until you are VERY clear of what is being asked.

3 Plan your work by brainstorming / use a mind map

4 Check the points you want to make against the title, making sure that they are focused.

5 Use Business databases to find relevant academic sources. Do not read texts from cover to cover, instead check tables of contents & indexes. Scan the sources to select information.

6 Write a flowing coherent essay. Generally, there should be no headings and subheadings in your essay BUT sometimes lecturers may allow their use. You should check with the assignment criteria or with your lecturer.

7 Introduction: (8-10% of the word count) Define key words in the title. Briefly outline any problems that the terms might suggest. Give background information on the topic, setting the scene & context.

8 Use signposting to guide your reader through your essay, indicating the sequence of your discussion/ analysis/evaluation, etc. Each section should be in the order indicated in the Introduction.

9 Main Body: findings, synthesis & analysis. Each paragraph should only address one topic or issue. Two paragraphs can state one issue BUT not two issues in one paragraph: you will overload the reader with information. To write clear sentences remember KISS – Keep It Short and Simple.

10 Paragraphs contain PEEEL. Each has a main Point. This topic sentence is best at the beginning of the paragraph so the reader is clear what that paragraph is about. The rest of the paragraph is used to say more about that topic. It will contain Evidence of the main point, an Explanation/Examination, some Examples and it will Link to the previous / next paragraph and/or the title.

11 A quotation alone does not make a paragraph as it must include your comments.

12 Occasionally your lecturer may allow you to include diagrams / charts / tables. If so, label and number each one & refer to it in your essay, i.e. Figure 2 below shows…

13 Conclusions: (8-10% of the word count). Do not introduce new material / arguments. Summarise the key points from the main body. Suggest implications or areas worthy of further consideration.

14 Always use Referencing style prescribed by your university like Harvard/APA etc, listing sources alphabetically by the author’s surname. Do not number, bullet point or divide sources by type, i.e. books, journals, websites.

15 Double check that all references have full bibliographic details in the References/Bibliography.

16 Only include appendices if allowed to & if you referred to them in the main body. Number them.

17Edit your essay before handing it in: read it aloud to check for errors or record yourself reading it; then listen to the recording.

18 Keep to the word count given.

19 Check you focused on the exact task and lecturer’s instructions. Complete your essay before your deadline.

Reference and Citation Generator

Reference and Citation Generator

Reference and Citation Generator produces several citation examples to serve as Reference page entry and in-text citation models. In addition, this online tool will help you draft properly formatted APA reference page entries and in-text citations. However, the Generator will not fix errors or typos that you entered in the various fields. Make sure that you review the populated entries for APA accuracy before using the entries in your papers.

Reference and Citation Generator is intended to be used as a resource to practice writing properly formatted APA citations of information sources. While we have done our best to include the most frequently used types of sources and to inform you of the most common exceptions when writing APA-formatted citations, we are unable to include all source types and all exceptions.

How to Use

Before Using Citation Generator

1.Have your resources ready.
2.Alphabetize them by author’s Last Name. If there is more than one author, follow the order in which the authors are listed in the resource.
3.Identify the type of resource each is (book, journal article, etc.).
4.Identify if the resource is print or non print.
1.From the Reference and Citation Generator list of resources, select the type of resource you wish to cite.
2.If you would like to view a Reference and Citation Generator example entry and generation, click Example.
3.When you are ready to use Reference and Citation Generator, type the appropriate information in each field.
4.After you have finished filling in all the fields, click Submit.
5.Reference and Citation Generator creates examples of how to format in-text citations and the corresponding source on the reference page.
6.You may return to Reference and Citation Generator to build another citation by clicking the Reference and Citation Generator button.

Select the type of resource you want to cite:

A Book with One Author

See an example, below to auto-populate the fields, then go to next point to see the generated references.
(1) Author's Last Name (Lunsford)
(2) Author's First and Middle Name Initials ( A.A)
(3)Year of publication (2006)
(4) Title of Book ( ) Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle and any proper nouns.
(5) Edition( 2nd) Only select if the book is a 2nd edition or later
(6) City of Publication (Boston)
(7) State of Publication ( MA) Use the state's two-letter abbreviation.
(8) Publishing Company(Bedford/St. Martin’s)
(9) Page number of quote (4th) If the quotation falls on more than one page, show the page numbers with a dash (e.g., 3-7).

Reference Page Entry
Lunsford, A. A. (2006). The everyday writer (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.

A Book With Two Or More Authors

(1)Author's Last Name(1)
(2)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3)Author's Last Name(2)
(4)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(2)
(5)Author's Last Name (3)
(6)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(3)
(7)Year of publication (2006)
(8)Title of Book ( ) Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle and any proper nouns.
(9) Edition( 2nd) Only select if the book is a 2nd edition or later
(10)City of Publication (Boston)
(11)State of Publication ( MA) Use the state's two-letter abbreviation.
(12)Publishing Company(Bedford/St. Martin’s)
(13)Page number of quote (4th) If the quotation falls on more than one page, show the page numbers with a dash (e.g., 3-7).

Three to Five Authors EXAMPLE

When a resource has three to five authors, there are some differences in the way the authors’ names are formatted in the reference page and in-text citations. Because Citation Generator is unable to format resources with more than three authors, below are some rules and examples of how to format resources with three to five authors. Use the following examples as a guide for formatting APA reference pages and in-text citations.

Reference Page Entry

Rule: List all authors on the reference page in the order they are listed in the resource.
Norman , E. G., Smith, T. S., Jones, A. T., & Alexander, M. C. (2005)…
In-Text Citation
Rule: The first time the reference appears within the text of the paper, cite all authors. For second and subsequent citations, include only the first author followed by et al.
First Instance of In-Text Citation: According to Norman, Smith, Jones, and Alexander (2005), the impact of budget cuts…
Second and Subsequent Citations: Norman et al. (2005) discussed the impact of budget cuts…

Six or More Authors EXAMPLE

When a resource has six or more authors, there are some differences in the way the authors’ names are formatted in the reference page and in-text citations. Because Citation Generator is unable to format resources with six or more authors, below are some rules and examples of how to format resources with six or more authors. Use the following examples as a guide for formatting APA reference pages and in-text citations.

Reference Page Entry

Rule: List all authors on the reference page in the order they are listed in the resource.
Moore , J. A., Smith, L. E., Hugh, P. T., Edwards, J. J., Peterson, L. T., & Bark, E. G. (2006)…
In-Text Citation
Rule: The first and subsequent times the reference occurs within the text of the paper, cite only the first author followed by et al.
First and Subsequent Instances of In-Text Citation: Moore et al. (2006) observed the management styles of…

A Book with A Group Author

(1) Group Author name
(2) Year of publication
(3) Title of Book (Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle and any proper nouns.)
(4) Edition
(5) City of Publication
(6) State of Publication (Use the state's two-letter abbreviation)
(7) Publishing Company
(8) If the quotation falls on more than one page, show the page numbers with a dash (e.g., 3-7).

An E-Text from an Electronic Database (course textbooks)

(1) Author's Last Name(1)
(2) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3) Author's Last Name(2)
(4) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(2)
(5) Author's Last Name (3)
(6) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(3)
(7) Year of copyright
(8) Title of e-text (Capitalize only the first letter of the first word of the title and subtitle and any proper nouns.)

Apollo Group Custom E-text Compilation
(2)Title of e-Text
(3)Year of publication
(4)City of Publication
(5)State of Publication
(7)Retrieval date- month, day, year
(8)Course (Type in this format: GEN480 - Interdisciplinary Capstone)
(9)Chapter or Section
(10)Page number of quote

Apollo Group Custom E-text

(1)Author's Last Name(1)
(2)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3)Author's Last Name(2)
(4)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(2)
(5)Author's Last Name (3)
(6)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(3)
(7)Year of publication
(8)City of Publication
(9)State of Publication ( MA) Use the state's two-letter abbreviation.
(10)Publishing Company
(11)Course (Type in this format: GEN480 - Interdisciplinary Capstone)
(12)Chapter or Section
(13)Page number of quote

Journal Article

1)Author's Last Name(1)
(2)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3)Author's Last Name(2)
(4)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(2)
(5)Author's Last Name (3)
(6)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(3)
(7)Year of publication
(8)Season or Month of publication (Fall, Summer, January, March, etc.)
(9)Title of Article
(10)Title of Journal
(13)Page Numbers
(14)Page Numbers of quote

A Journal Article From an Online Database

1)Author's Last Name(1)
(2)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3)Author's Last Name(2)
(4)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(2)
(5)Author's Last Name (3)
(6)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(3)
(7)Year of publication
(9)Title of Article
(10)Title of Journal
(13)Page Numbers of articles

An Online Newspaper Article

1)Author's Last Name(1)
(2)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3)Publication date (Month, Day, year)
(4)Title of Article
(7)Paragraph number

Newspaper Article

1)Author's Last Name(1)
(2 Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3 Author's Last Name(2)
(4)Author's First and Middle Name Initials(2)
(5)Author's Last Name (3)
(6) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(3)
(7)Year of publication
(8)Publication date (Month, Day, year)
(9)Title of Article
(11)Page Numbers
(12)Page Numbers of quote

A website

When the content on a website has no identifiable author, use the name for the organization, corporation, or government agency as the group author and begin the entry with the group author. Place the title of the web page in italics if the web page is a report or brochure; otherwise, leave the title without italics. Include the URL address. If the website has no identifiable author, including no identifiable group author, you should use caution in selecting the source for your paper as the source may not be a reliable reference.
1) Author's Last Name(1)
(2) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3) Title of Web page
(4) Organization, Corporation, or Government Agency Name
(5) Year of Copyright
(6) URL
(7) Section Title
(8) Paragraph number

An Online Forum Message, Discussion Group, and Newsgroup
1) Author's Last Name(1)
(2) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3) Date of entery
(4) Subject Line
(5) Message identifier
(6) URL

A Podcast
1) Author's Last Name(1)
(2) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3) Date of entery
(4) Contributor's function
(5) Name of Podcast
(6) Episode number
(7) Website name
(8) URL

A Video Weblog

1) Author's Last Name(1)
(2) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3) Date of entery
(4) Subject Line
(5) Video weblog title
(6) URL

Online Course Material

1) Author's Last Name(1)
(2) Title of Material
(3) Year of publication
(4) Course
(5) Week
(6) Page

An Online Classroom Forum Message, Discussion Group, and Newsgroup

1) Author's Last Name(1)
(2) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3) Date of entery
(4) Subject Line
(5) Message identifier
(6) Message Posted to
(7) Page


1) Author's Name(1)
(2) Title of Software
(3) Year of publication
(4) Course
(5) Page

Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation

If the presentation cannot be retrieved by the general reader, cite the PowerPoint® presentation as a personal communication
1) Presentation source or author
(2) Presentation title
(3) Date
(4) URL
(5) Slide

Personal Communication

1) Communicator's Last Name
(2) Communicator's First Name Initials
(3) Communication date


1) Title of Software
(2) Version
(3) URL

Television Series

1) Author's Last Name(1)
(2) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(1)
(3) Author's Last Name(2)
(4) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(2)
(5) Author's Last Name (3)
(6) Author's First and Middle Name Initials(3)
(7)Year of publication
(8) Title of TV Series
(9) City of Production
(10) State of Production
(11) Production Company

Online dictionary

(1) Title of Website
(2) Word
(3) Year of Copyright
(4) URL

Our expertise lies in providing original work that is well referenced using internationally accepted referencing standards like APA, Harvard, Chicago, Oxford, MLA. We provide original and non plagiarized assignment help and homework help services Please mail us to to know more about our services.

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics

Two bodies are said to be in thermal equilibrium if no transfer of heat take place when they are placed in constant. Now we can say that the Zeroth law of Thermodynamics as follows:

If two bodies A and B are in thermal equilibrium and A and C are also in thermal equilibrium then B and C are also in thermal equilibrium.

A = B and A= C then B = C in thermal equilibrium

It’s a matter of observation and experience that is described in the Zeroth law. For example: if two persons A and B know each other and A and C know each other, its is not necessary that b and C know each other.

Zeroth law allows us to introduce the concept of temperature to measure the hotness of coldness of body. All bodies in thermal equilibrium are assigned equal temperature. A hotter body is assigned higher temperature then colder body. Thus, the temperature of two bodies decides the direction of heat flow when the two bodies are put in contact. Heat flows from the body at higher temperature to the body at lower temperature.

Example question

A system X is neither in thermal equilibrium with Y nor With Z, The systems y and Z

(1) Must be in thermal equilibrium

(2) Can not be in thermal equilibrium

(3) May be in thermal equilibrium

Solution (3) may be in thermal equilibrium