Coming soon...

Interviews with top executives of IT and Telecom Industry. Exclusive by 'Deepan Siddhu'..

To start with, 'CEO of one of the leading IT companies of Hyderabad'

People need to be mature

My third article -  Are you matured enough for your age?

'Maturity'..What does it mean? Many think they are. Actually not. I am not an exception. I dont claim myself as matured enough. I become very immature when i get in touch with immature people(who claim themselves as matured enough). During that situation, its a different ball game altogether. Immature environment makes you feel insecure and make you act as immatured to cope up with the environment or else you will be cornered. It often happens in your today life. If you want to sell something(doesnt mean selling a product or service), say your ideas has to be accepted by the immature environment.

Let me say what immaturity is? Listening to something and acting suddenly to the situation, without even verifying what happened behind the screen. It may be considered fair, when you are in school or when you are not aware of the external world. However its a serious offence to be immature, even when you grow up (per say, even after your under graduation). People who are very aware of external environment, expectation of people from them and act according to it succeeds in their life, says one of my favourite professor.

Dont get scared Kids!!!! Get into corporate, they will teach you what 'maturity' is?..(In case, if you get into corporate). I am saying this because of the very very little experience i've gained and been gaining out of an MNC. Guys who don't have any experience in corporate and if you think that the corporate life will be like your college life, 'I am sorry, You will suffer a lot in the beginning stage'. Once if you cross the line, you will be alright. However until you cross the line, many of the guys who are immature often turn and run back to their home.

In corporate, you will not find the same bunch, as if you are enjoying in your college life. There will be senior professionals, experts, top performers around you. Your superiors will not just give a task and go away like in your college(where you can come back home, google it and do). They will sit on your shoulders(i mean, not literally) and see 'what the f*** are you doing'. Keep in mind, you will not survive in corporate if you dont perform(even if you are a Harvard, IIM, MIT etccc..), unless and until its ur father-in-law's company. The same bunch with whom you enjoyed your college life will not come and help you coz they will also be out of the corporate if they didnt perform and provide some value to the team, in which they are.

So, atleast realise now in which stage you are? Dont compare yourself with the bunch around you and claim that you are matured enough and you can work for any company, a long time. Go out, hit the market, speak with top executives of the industry which you belong to. If you are a graduate, compare yourself with the students of other institutions which are in the same business line, as that of yours. Speak with them, get to know where they stand and where you are?

I am not claiming that I'm Mr.Perfect(I didnt mean 'Prabhas'). However, i've learnt quite a few things during tough phases of my life. I've acted immature several times during my college time and realised later, when i got into corporate life. In my work, i've always been one of the top performers(i can claim this, because this is what i am). I am now in a stage to understand 'What is being mature''Who are matured' because i am with the people who are very smart and renowned people in the industry and in the society. I hold due rights to take on someone, who tries to takes on me trying to prove their smartness with me.

Kids(People now know, whom i am calling)!!!!! See where you are(you may be good with theory, you may be studying in a good institution, blah blah blah) and then start taking on someone who is atleast bit better than you. Dont get into taking on someone, before clearly knowing what they do(coz u will worry a lot when you finally know what they do and what they did so far without your knowledge). Says, my favourite professor again.

The article so far contains experiences and suggestions. The experiences(learning) are from me and the suggestions are from a person who is much more elder, smarter and experienced than you Kids(this is how he calls immatured people).

So, backstabbers!!!!! Get ready to speak about me indirectly coz you will worry a lot when you know about me and when you face me one day..(may be good or bad)

Organizational Strategy and It's Importance

Organizational Strategy

Strategy of an organisation is the unique position that an organisation aims in the market to gain competitive advantage (Naoum 2001). Strategy is derived from the vision and mission of the organisation. In this, organization has to analyze how a company can adapt themselves with the changing market scenario. Organization needs to do internal as well as external appraisal and based on that strategies should be build upon.

Strategic decisions concern with the whole organisation and requires significant resources. Organizational strategy requires intellectual ability, knowledge, and skills to make the strategies in such a way so that they can deal more effectively with the competitive market conditions, it should be of long term in nature (Cushman, & King 2001).
Objectives of organizational strategy

Top managers have to analyze, strategies that have been made should fit with the organization goals and objectives and providing them a unique feature that helps in building a competitive advantage, strategies should be such that it will provide some benefit to the organization (Rothwell 2010). Optimum utilization of resources that means maximum output with minimum input, it helps in building a competitive advantage that will able to find out company’s current position in the market.

Organization has to identify the future threats and opportunities and then do appraisal of current strengths and weaknesses based on that strategies should be made. Strategies must align with the purpose and motives of the organization and should focus towards the ultimate vision (Dressler 2004).

Importance of organizational strategy

Before starting any company it must have the clear picture of its vision or mission because they have resources, manpower but to utilize in an efficient manner organization needs to form strategies.

Clear perspective: To make the strategies sound and successful, organization must have clear defined goals and put the strategies on the right path. All the strategies, when transferred to the members in the organization they mutually focused towards the goals
Forecasting: Organization must have the capability to forecast the accuracy of its goals so that they can formulate the strategy in a better way (Ronald 2002). On the basis of strategy company can work for a long time by anticipating the future needs of the customer and the market.

Flexibility: To build the competitive advantage organization must have those types of strategies that can be able to face the future challenges and can be modified according to the environment. Some of the organizations disappear due to their poor strategy formulation (Edwards 2007).

Cooperation: Effective strategy translation in all the departments generates better communication. Goals and strategy of the organization should be such that it needs a mutual cooperation of all the members towards its achievement (Pettigrew, Thomas, & Whittington 2006).

Decision making:
Organizational Strategy is based on the future assumptions and the upcoming threats and opportunities, according to that organization makes a sound decision and further it helps in achieving the goals efficiently.

Planning: Strategies help in formulation of plans, after making the strategies the organization can make the plans about what to do, how to do, when is to do, and also putting the right members on the right place while working in the organization.

Cushman, D.P., & King, S.S. (2001) Excellence in communicating organizational strategy. Albany: SUNY.
Dressler, S. (2004) Strategy, Organizational Effectiveness and Performance Management. Florida: Universal.
Edwards. (2007) International human resource management. South Asia: Pearson.
Hoye, R., Smith, A., Nicholoson, M., Stewart, B., & Westerbeek, H. (2009) Sport Management: Principles and Applications. 2nd ed. USA: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Naoum, S. (2001) People and organizational management in construction. London: Thomas Telford.
Pettigrew, A.M., Thomas, H., & Whittington, R. (2006) Handbook of strategy and managemant. London: SAGE.
Ronald, R.S. (2002) Organizational success through effective human resources management. USA: Greenwood.
Rothwell, W.J. (2010) Effective succession planning: ensuring leadership continuity and building talent from within. 4th ed. USA: AMACOM.

What is Forecasting and It's Steps

Forecasting is the technique that predicts the future uncertainties and helps us to cope up with the rapid changing environment. It is based on certain assumptions and uses the past, present, and makes future trend analysis to do the forecasting, it is the management tool that uses various techniques like Delphi technique, regression analysis, trend projection etc. Forecasting is needed in making the decision about the future uncertain events that cannot be controlled. Expertise are required to do the forecasting as it is based on assumptions that need to be accurate because decisions are based on these assumptions (Armstrong 2001).

The scope of forecasting is very wide it is used in every field of lives; in the organization it is helpful in planning, making decision, controlling uncertain events. As the demands and preferences of the customers changes on regular intervals, rapid changes in the technologies, social or political changes, arises the need of forecasting. To sustain in the competitive market and become profitable company has to do forecasting.

Steps in Forecasting

Identify needs of forecasting: It is the first step includes the identification of the resources required and need of forecasting, it also analyzes how much accurate data is needed, organization has to identify the objectives and examine the internal and external changes in the environment that arise the need of forecasting (Shim & Siegel 2006).

Choose things to be forecasted: After analyzing the environment the next step is to identify all those critical areas that need to be forecasted and those plans which need to be revised. Due to the rapid changes in the environment organization have to revise its plans and do forecasting of those areas which is of uncertain in nature.

Time Horizon: This is the third step in forecasting in which the organization has to identify the time that will cover in forecasting, whether it is of short term, medium term, or long term in nature. It should be noted that higher the time in forecasting lower will be the accuracy, so it should be done accurately with limited time period (Ozcan 2009).

Gather Information: After selecting the areas or the problems that need to be forecasted the company has to gather the relevant information related to that and find out all those sources from where the they can take the required data, for this company has to do research and analyze the market scenario. They collect all the information related to the problem after that they scrutinize the collected data and take the necessary information (Makridakis, Wheelwright, & Hyndman 2008).

Selection of forecasting model: In this step the organization has to identify and select the techniques or models based on the complexity of the problem. They have to select according to the financial availability. Company must select those models that will fit to the investigation of the problem. There are various techniques available in the forecasting are like Delphi technique, Regression analysis, moving average, econometrics etc. through this forecasting can be done.

Implementation of forecasting: After selecting the forecasting areas and the parameters this step is to implement the forecasting technique, it is based on assumptions and this is done to make the decision. Through the implementation of forecasting company can predict about the future problems (Cravens 2009).

Monitoring: This is the last step of the forecasting process, in this company has to analyze whether the technique which has been adopted is providing the accurate data or not, if not then company has to take another forecasting technique that will generate more accurate results. They also have to monitor the techniques on regular intervals and do updating according to the changes in the environment that will lead to better decision making (Evans 2002).

We hope this post would be useful for students in helping them with their assignments and homework.

Armstrong, J.S. (2001) Principles of forecasting. New York: Springer.
Shim, J.K., & Seigel, J.G. (2006) Handbook of Financial Analysis, Forecasting and Modeling. 3rd ed. Chicago: CCH.
Ozcan, Y.A. (2009) Quantitative Methods in Health Care Management: Techniques and Applications. 2nd ed. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons.
Makridakis, S., Wheelwright, S.C., & Hyndman, J. (2008) Forecasting Methods and Applications. 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Cravens. (2009) Strategic Marketing. 8th ed. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill.
Evans, M.K. (2002) Practical Business Forecasting. USA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Do what you want to do!!!

This is my 3rd article. Thanks for the response so far through mails, sms and phone calls..

'Do this' 'Dont do this' 'You must do this or you will suffer'...blah blah blah..This is what we hear from our childhood. Elders call it as 'Advice' whereas youngster like us refer it as 'irritation'.

The advices has been given to us from our childhood by our dad, mom, sister, brother, neighbours, relatives, friends, x, y, z...I am not saying 'all the advices are bullshit'..The one which is given to us from our parents and siblings always has to be listened and obeyed
because they give it to make us perfect and a respectable person in the society. In some cases, even the parent's advice fails. Lets say, a guy is willing to course in law, is being forced to join Engineering. The guy will most probably join because of his parents unwillingly. The guy will complete his engineering without any interest in doing this and finally suffers to get a job.

If the guy might have chosen law as per his willing instead of Engineering, he would have studied it with more interest and would have succeeded with that profession. Again, it depends. He may or may not succeed (next second is uncertainty). Atleast, he would have studied the subject of his interest and felt happy about it.

The guy has to realise at this stage. His age will be in the range of 20-25 when he completes his degree(its an average, i m not speaking about 'out of range senior guys'). The next stage has to be decided by the guy. He should not be succumbed to the choice of his parents (or) friends."Whatever happens, life has to move on", so the profession which he chooses now has to be taken by him according to his strengths. No matter what his education background his, he can choose a profession of his own.

To be continued...

Project Organization and Matrix Organization

Project Organization

Project organization establishes for a short span of time, which exist only during the project inception till its completion. In the project organization various project managers are taken from different departments, they work efficiently and after the completion of the project they get back to their own work or they start up with the new project (Harrison, & Lock, 2004). All the project participants have to work according to the organization strategy. It is developed to achieve some of the important projects like disaster recovery, bringing new technology, special projects requires advices of different expertise.

Advantages of Project Organization

Project organization helps in the efficient achievement of the project goals as all the project members have specialized knowledge. It is beneficial to those specialists who cannot work with the structured environment; through project organization they can show their creativity and apply their knowledge. It is very adaptive approach, because of changing Environment, company needs specialists who can cope up with that and achieve their goals. (Cleland, & Ireland, 2006).

It requires less time and cost as it is of temporary in nature and remains during the project only. Project organization enables the specialists to learn new things, increase knowledge, and interaction with other departments. It is helpful in developing the participative and professional management in the organization and also develops healthy relations among various departments.

Matrix Organization

Matrix organization includes various forms of organization structure which is formed by dividing the departments into various functions and each function is headed by the functional manager or the project manager. It is the structure in which the project participants has to report daily to their project manager whose authority flows horizontally and simultaneously they have to report to their department head whose authority flows vertically (Edwards, & Bowen, 2005). It also requires the specialists of various departments who work on the common project. It is the hierarchal structure which is formed by consolidating the various departments and achieves the targets of the project.

Advantages of Matrix Organization

In the matrix organization managers can take sound and effective decision as it is taken by the experts, with the help of the experts, organization can use its resources optimally and efficiently. Through the matrix organization the people who are involved in the project can develop their skills and knowledge other than their specialization. The managers at the top level can concentrate on their organizational strategies as they delegate their work to the lower level managers (Eekhout, 2008). With the help of the matrix organization structure the company can cope up with the changing environment as it involves the expertise in doing the project.

Due to the various members are involved in the structure it leads to the integrity of various department members and also motivates them to do work with full dedication. The project members have to report on the daily basis to the department head as well as project head; it will generate better coordination and communication in the organization. Due to the members from different specialization are involved it leads to higher efficiency at the lower cost with minimum time involvement (Johnson, 2008).

Cleland, D.L., & Ireland, L.R. (2006). Project management: strategic design and implementation (5th ed.). US: McGraw-Hill.
Edwards, P., & Bowen, P. (2005). Risk management in Project Organization. Australia: UNSW.
Eekhout, M. (2008). Methodology for product development in architecture. Netherland: OS Press.
Harrison, F.L., & Lock, D.(2004). Advanced project managemant:A structured approach (4th ed.). England: Gower publishing.
Johnson. (2008). Exploring Corporate Strategy. UK. Pearson.

Choose your friends carefully :-)

My second article on 'Friends'. People often mistakes while choosing their friends. Especially I am..

Some may become our friends often, if 'they smile for what we say' 'they accept what we say' 'share their happiness and sadness' etc etc etc..but do you think the friend whom u choose is the right person to be friendly with you? In most of the cases fail. You can easily guess whether your friend is truthful to you or not. Our ancestors rightly said 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'.

The majority of the people will come to you for their needs( almost everytime, when the need arises, u will come in their mind). They show pity face in them, creates some sympathy and get some use out of you.

Say, get into a tuff situation once, only very few( haa, in most cases 'one true friend will help you out') people will try to even ask you 'what are you into, dude' 'is there anything, that I could do'. Some generally ask, but they dont really do. You will find a true friend, once if he get you out of a hard situation.

It is simply selfish, u expect help from someone(whom you really havent helped him at any time). You can expect something in return, only in case if you did something for them. 

To my consciousness, I've helped so many friends(not for selfish reasons, that they will do something for me in  future) and didnt expect anything in return. However, when I was in need of help(mostly in a hard situation where a stranger would think to help u, but a true friend will not :-) right)..Many of them didnt even ask what I am into. They just reacted to the situation (Many felt really happy, when I got into a tuff situation, what a bunch of retards) and didnt help me. But some came up really to help me and they are still in touch with me(those are my buddies ever, I will never miss them for any reasons in my life).

What really irritates me is 'When someone(whom I've been helping for quite a long time) who is capable of helping me, not even tries to help me(listening to someone that I'm the only reason for the bad situation). Though I am not selfish, at these kind of situations, I feel 'I should not have chosen him as my friend'..(What is the use of crying for the loss, after losing a poker game).

So my suggestion is, 'Never decide you friend all of a sudden'. Help him and give him/her fair chances to help you in hard situations (create a hard situation for yourself to test your friend). You can trust such person and be friendly with them.

I am not saying to avoid others, 'Just maintain a professional relationship with them and never get into their personal affairs'

Know the people before you speak with them

The articles in my blog so far are my favourites, which I have read from various websites. I shared it in my blog so that my friends and others could learn something out of it with fun.

I always thought of writing my own articles but didnt find right time to start. I hope this is that moment, I've been thinking of.

"People learn from mistakes", I strongly believe in that. The things which I have learnt so far in my life(though I have read a lot through books, it never stayed in my mind), are through experiences.

I generally forecast things before it starts hppening. Though it is going to be bad, with courage, I often get into it. If things turn good, I appreciate myself and if turns bad, I used to scold me like noone else do in their life.

I know everyone does this.Once things turn bad, people say 'Ah!! I should not have done that".

I often say it when I get in touch with some *****. Yes! Those are the people who always try to pull you down, demotivates you, never accepts your victory, spoils your reputation and often dont have courage to speak against you in the face( those **** speak, when they are drunk...ha ha)

I often see such **** in my day to day life. I generally avoid them coz i know about them very well. Whenever I see them, I remember Narayana Murthy's quote 'Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you for long term success'. However there are some situations which you cant avoid to meet them. You will be succumbed to meet them, say when one of your close friends is throwing you a party and such **** will be the part of the party too. In such case, you will have to join the party though you would not like to, for your friend who is throwing you the party(I hate my presence in the place where ***** are there).

Do u know what happens then? Such **** will drink lot of booze (i mean, just 2pegs of brandy will make them feel like they are the most courageous in the world) and will stimulate you to speak(actually, get in fight with them, what a bunch of b*******). Obviously when such retards( who cant even be compared with your shoe's dust), speak about your credibility, your veins and blood will get hot and finally results in a quarell with him (shit!!!!! it happens, coz you are courageous enough to bash on someone who speaks about your credibility).

This will obviously result in a lot of mental stress ( coz you got in fight with a stupid ********). ha ha!! i am laughing, coz i learnt a very good lesson.

So, my kind suggestion is 'know the people on the other side and start speaking'(Only when the person is worth speaking, coz u know how valuable you are when compared to that ******).

I think, its no wrong to stay calm until and unless you get to know the person on the other side.

Performance Appraisal and its Methods

Performance Appraisal is a process that helps organization to improve its human resource’s productivity to achieve some objectives and goals. It can be possible by identifing the strengths and weaknesses of employees. After identification, it goes for the measurement of potentiality, than record that information and lastly it involves development of employees. This whole process generally supervised under the managers or seniors (Erasmus, Swanepoel, Van Wyk, & Schenk, 2003). This post could be a source of information who are looking for assignment help related to performance appraisals.

Performance appraisal is an important tool to improve organizational performance. It provides a benchmark to organization for effective recruitment and selection. It appraises individual performance but through this improvement in performance has been made automatically. Training program is also improve by it because when an employee’s strength and weaknesses is identified than selection of training method become easier for organization (Sims, 2002). So, these factors increase importance of appraisal system in organizational improvement.

Performance appraisal is conducted through different ways in different type of organizations. These ways are called methods of performance appraisal. Basically it can be of two types: Traditional and Modern Methods.

Traditional Methods: These methods are used by organization since very long time. It appraises employees on the bases of their traits. This type includes several methods and related to self-appraisal of employee. These are:

Essay Appraisal Method: This method used by rater to explain employee’s strengths, weaknesses, potentiality etc. also give suggestion for improvement in written form (Cascio, 2006).

Straight Ranking Method: Rater rate employees from top to bottom or best to worse on the bases of performance behavior (Kreitner, 2008).

Critical Incident Method: Supervisor appraises subjective behavior of employee in a particular task or job (Cascio, 2006).

Check List Method: Appraiser appraise employee by prepare a list of normal behavior and check it according to once behavior (Cascio, 2006).

Graphic Rating Scale:
In this method each employee rated on the bases of characteristics and it is a graphical representation (Denisi & Griffin, 2005).
Forced Distribution: It make clear difference between successful and unsuccessful performance of employees (Denisi & Griffin, 2005).

Modern Methods:
This type of appraisal includes various methods that are introduced from past few decades. It also called results method. These include:

Management by Objectives:
It rates employees on the bases of achievement of goals that are mutually decided by manager and employees (Denisi & Griffin, 2005).

360 degree appraisal:
appraise employee’s performance from 4 sides that mean manager, subordinate, peer group and customer give feedback about an employee (Kreitner, 2008).

Interview Method:
It provides a way to subordinate to discuss about performance and areas of improvement with employee (Denisi & Griffin, 2005).

Both types of methods are used by different type of organizations. But in present scenario, modern methods are used more specifically. In modern method 360 degree appraisal is most usable method in many organizations. Management by objective and interview method are also effective methods but used lesser than 360 degree appraisal (Catano, 2009). It is because 360 degree appraisal provides feedback of any employee from manager, peer group, subordinate and customers. So, it provides all over behavior and performance of employee at all level.

Cascio. (2006). Managing Human Resources. New York: Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
Catano, V.M. (2009). Recruitment and Selection in Canada (4th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning.
Denisi, A.S., & Griffin, R.W. (2005). Human Resource Management (2nd ed.). USA: Dreamtech Press.
Erasmus, B., Swanepoel, B., Van Wyk, W., & Schenk, H. (2003). South African Human Resource Management: Theory & Practice (3rd ed.). USA: Juta and Company Ltd.
Kreitner, r. (2008). Management (11th ed.). USA: Cengage Learning.
Sims, R.R. (2002). Managing organizational behavior. USA: Greenwood Publishing Group.

Situational Leadership

Leadership is the ability of an individual to control people and move them in the right direction for achieves objectives. Leadership has been defined in a several ways. It is a process of leading people in the right direction to achieve a common goal. Many situations require leadership. Most common ways of looking at leadership are as a trait, ability, skill, behavior, relationship or a process. Leaders apply leadership for the use of values, ability, skills and knowledge in an organization. A leader needs to be fully aware of the followers (Northouse, 2011). Leadership can also be defined as being able to motivate and inspire others.

One of the most widely recognized approaches to leadership is the situational approach. It was developed by Hersey and Blanchard (1969, 1972) based on life-cycle theory of leadership. It is also known as the leader-member exchange theory. The situational approach has been redefined and revised several times since its inception. Situational theories are also called contingency theories because the theory is contingent upon the needs of the situation. According to the name situation leadership is based on leadership in according to the situation. So that different kind of situation demands different leadership. From this approach, leader requires to adapt his style according to the different situations. Leaders determine the need in a particular situation then evaluate his employees to perform a given task (Northouse, 2011).

Situational leadership can be understood along four dimensions. These are the personal characteristics of the leader, the nature of the job, the nature of the organization, and the nature of the follower. The fist dimension showed the personal characteristic of the leader. This is traits, skills, ability, experience, personal motivation to achieve, decision making, control the followers. The second dimension required that the nature of the job or the task. It must be defined so the leader understand what must be done. Leader motivated the followers so the followers are performing tasks easily. The third dimension concerns the nature of the organization. It includes the organization rules and policies, corporate culture, the time and resource available, and the organizational expectation. The fourth dimension is the nature of followers. There are personalities, values, needs, ideas, motivations, expectations and experiences. All of these dimensions affect the leader performance and effectiveness (Bertocci & Bertocci, 2009).

Several leadership theories have emerged. These are situational leadership, trait-based leadership, transformational leadership, distributed leadership, servant leadership, collaboration leadership, etc. Leadership is a situational. In the situational approach, different situation demand different kinds of leadership. Leadership effectiveness depends on both the leader and the situation. Some leaders are effective in one situation but not in others. So therefore situation theory indicates that there is no one best way of leading. Leaders must understand their own behavior, the behavior of their subordinates, and the situation at hand (Ladkin, 2010).

Situational leadership is central to applying the theory. Situation leadership theory argues that a high task low relationship combination of leader and subordinates behaviors. Hersey and Blanchard’s diagnosis that the group is now unable to solve a problem and it needs an intervention from the leader. The Hersey and Blanchard situational leadership theory creates minor contributions to the leadership literature. It is focus on the truly situational nature of leadership. Situational leadership applies for measuring leader style, style range and effectiveness (Bryman, 2011).

For the above discussion, it can be said that leadership is situational because they lead according to personal characteristics of leader, nature of job, nature of organization and nature of followers and what is the demand of the given situation.

Northouse, P.G. (2011) Introduction to Leadership: Concepts and Practice. 2nd ed. USA: SAGE Publication Inc.
Northouse, P.G. (2009) Leadership: Theory and Practice. 5th ed. USA: SAGE Publication Inc.
Ladkin, D. (2010) Rethinking leadership: a new look at old leadership questions. UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Bertocci, D.I. & Bertocci, D.L. (2009) Leadership in Organizations: There Is a Difference Between Leaders and Managers. USA: University Press of America.
Bryman, A. (2011) The SAGE Handbook of Leadership. USA: SAGE Publication Inc.

Whom should an MBA follow on TWITTER?


Barry Judge

Bio: Avid traveler, reader, sports enthusiast and like to eat out.
CMO of Bestbuy

Jeffrey Hayzlet

Bio: Author, Change Agent, South Dakotan, and sometimes Cowboy.
Former CMO of Kodak

Rod Brooks

Bio: CMO for PEMCO Insurance. President-elect for WOMMA. Board member of WA. DECA. Dedicated WSU Cougar. Blended family man and grandfather. Student of Social Media.

Marketing Authors:

Andy Sernovitz

Bio: The Word of Mouth Marketing Guy
Author of Word of Mouth Marketing

Bob Gilbreath

Bio: My mission is to help you create marketing that people choose to engage with, and advertising that itself improves people's lives

Brian Halligan

Bio: CEO of @HubSpot; Author of Inbound Marketing book

Chris Brogan

Bio: President, New Marketing Labs.
Co-Author of Trust Agents

Dave Evans

Bio: Social Media enthusiast and author of Social Media Marketing: An Hour a Day.

David Meerman Scott

Bio: Marketing strategist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR, now published in 25 languages.

Jackie Huba

Bio: Co-author, Creating Customer Evangelists, Citizen Marketers, Church of the Customer blog. Principal, Ant's Eye View. Pittsburgh Steelers fanatic.

Greg Verdino
Bio: strategy vp at powered. micromarketing author. social media whatever. long islander. father. the lesser half of gremanda. not necessarily in that order.

Joseph Jaffe
Bio: Powered. Jaffe Juice. Jaffe Juice TV. Flip the Funnel. Join the Conversation. Life after the 30-second spot.

John Moore
Bio: As a marketingologist, I give companies “Second Opinions” about the business and marketing activities they are currently doing or considering doing.
Author of Tribal Knowledge

Josh Bernoff

Bio: Coauthor of Groundswell, Forrester analyst

Laura Ries
Bio: marketing and branding strategist, bestselling author, blogger, speaker and media personality

Maria Ross

Bio: Brand & marketing consultant, writer, speaker, actress. Engage, inform and delight! Author, Branding Basics for Small Business.

Mitch Joel

Bio: President of Twist Image. Blogger and Podcaster of Six Pixels of Separation. Speaker, Author, Journalist.

Tom Asacker

Bio: Don't follow me. Follow your bliss.
Author of A Clear Eye


Brian Martin

Bio: My company works with 300 or so brands each year. We help them connect with consumers in new ways. I also care terribly about
Host of Brand Fast Trackers podcast

Christopher S. Penn

Bio: Blue Sky Factory VP, ninja, PodCamp cofounder, cohost, speaker, USF marketing prof, Warcrafter.

John Wall

Bio: I'm a business guy, photographer, husband, dog owner.

Jay Ehret

Bio: Creator of small business marketing awesomeness. Social media antagonist. Practitioner, not a theorist.

Mike Volpe

Bio: VP Inbound Marketing @HubSpot + Marketing Speaker - B2B, lead generation, blog, social media, SEO, analytics, golfer, Patriots, Red Sox

Karen Rubin

Bio: Product Owner, HubSpot TV Co-Host, runner, foodie, talker, laugh-o-holic

Bob Knorpp
Bio: Host of The BeanCast Marketing Podcast. Features a panel of smart ad-biz types discussing news and issues.

Agency Marketers

Ben Kunz

Bio: Director of Strategic Planning, sometimes wishful thinking, at ad planning shop Moonlights as tech columnist at BusinessWeek.

Frank Adman

Bio: Ad man. San Francisco, 1963. Purveyor of Fresh, Stimulating Propaganda. Join me for a Twittertini. 2010 Shorty Winner: Best in Advertising.

Kevin Urie

Bio: Advertising/Marketing Geek @DestMark, Dad, Husband and @SMCseattle Founder

Patrick Byers
Bio: CEO of Outsource Marketing + Responsible Marketing Evangelist. Speak, write, blog, strategize, name stuff, social media, social good

Simon Mainwaring

Bio: Ex-Nike/Wieden creative, former Worldwide Creative Director Motorola/Ogilvy, branding/advertising writer, author/speaker/blogger, Australian, idea geek.


Beth Harte

Bio: Client Srvcs Director, Serengeti Communications. Digs Integrated Marcom. Fan of books, beer, cowgirl boots and brilliance

Bill Green

Bio: I have these thoughts... in my head. I also speak them here:

Brian Morrissey

Bio: Digital Editor at Adweek, marathon runner, cheeseburger connoisseur

Dave Knox

Bio: Brand Manager - Digital Innovation at Procter & Gamble Productions, Author, Connector of people and ideas

Jonah Bloom

Bio: CEO/Ed-in-chief at Breaking Media, which publishes,, and Also a geographer.

Olivier Blanchard

Bio: Business strategist, Brand Management, Marketing & Social Media integration, and harbinger of growth for smart companies.

Stephen Denny

Bio: Marketing + brand strategy consultant, author, blogger, influence strategist living in paradise. Dry suit scuba, tennis, ex-Tokyo expat, husband + dad.

Steve Hall

Bio: I'm all about advertising and publish Adrants and AdGabber.

Search Engine Optimization

Lee Odden

Bio: CEO @TopRank sharing online marketing insights on Social SEO, Content Marketing & PR topics. Proud dad, world traveler & foodie.

Rand Fishkin

Bio: CEO & Co-Founder of SEOmoz. I tweet 15-20X each week, mostly insights and articles about startups, search and social.

Vanessa Fox

Bio: I'm fascinated by our evolving online searching culture. Maybe you'd like to buy my book, Marketing in the Age of Google.

Social Media

Jay Baer

Bio: Hype-free social media strategist and tequila lover. Co-author of I write a blog marketers seem to like. Can I help you?

Did I miss any marketers that you think should be on the list? Please leave a comment below.

Paid in Capital and Retained Earnings

Paid in capital and retained earning both are the different section of shareholder’s equity in balance sheet. This difference is important from both an economic and a legal point of view. Paid in capital represented the amount which an investor pays for the stocks of any company. This amount represents the ownership of the investors (Kimmel, Weygandt & Kieso, 2008). Paid in capital is also referred to as contributed capital. It represented the amount of stockholder which they contributed in an organization asset. It is important part of the balance sheet as it shows par value of company’s stock which has issued.

On the other hand retained earning represents earning of an organization after distribution of dividend to their stockholder. This represents only that amount which is generated by firm by its operation. This does not include any amount of shares issued. Retained earnings show the amount which is not distributed among shareholder but is retained in the business itself.

The basic reason is to separate both these sections is to find out clear difference between inputs of stockholder and capital generated from company’s operation (Bierman & JR, 2009). Company’s also legally bound to show both in different section. It is necessary to show share amount and earning of company separated. These both account shows separated so that investor and the corporate itself find out the earning on their stock which they have issued. Paid in capital represented the amount of stocks that company has received from their investor. By retained earning investor can find out the performance of company. This separation is also important for company itself as it tracks its overall performance of their operations.

Bierman, H. & JR. (2009). An Introduction to Accounting and Managerial Finance: A Merger of Equals. Singapore: World Scientific.
Kimmel, P.D., Weygandt, J.J. & Kieso, D. E. (2008). Accounting. USA: John Wiley and Sons.
Warren, C. S., James, M. R. & Duchac, J. E. (2008). Financial and Managerial Accounting. USA: Cengage Learning.

Dont Just Read!!!! Eat and Digest

Can you imagine how smart you would be if you could retain all the information from every business book you ever read? While that’s not realistic, most likely you can retain more than you currently do. You read business books to learn and get smarter. Maximize the material in those book by changing your approach. Think of business books as graduate level mini-courses. Instead of zipping through them, do a deep dive into advanced knowledge. Here’s how I assimilate the information from the books I read.

Business Book Reading Best Practices

  1. Read you book with a pen in hand – Someone recently told me he cannot bring himself to mark in his books. Why? Unless you are going to re-sell you books, mark away! Underline important passages, put asterisks next to cool quotes, add your own commentary. Some people prefer highlighters, I like pens so I can write notes to my self. Writing in your book helps you commit material to memory as you read and also help you save time when you later review the book. So grab a pen.
  2. Read only one chapter per day – This will significantly slow down your reading, but you’re not in a speed-reading contest. Reading just one chapter a day let’s your mind soak up the information and analyze it for 24 hours. It focuses you on one main idea per day. You’ll  gain deeper understanding by applying that chapter to your experience of the day. Reading several chapters a day muddles the information in your mind. Authors work hard to organize their chapters in a way that maximizes their impact, trust them by reading one chapter per day.
  3. Summarize each chapter in your own words – Before you read the next chapter on the next day, go back and review your underlines and notes of the previous chapter (See? It’s paying off already!). Now write a short summary in the white spaces at the end of the chapter. This gives your brain one more repetition of the material, further committing it to memory. Summarizing also forces you to take ownership of the material by restating the content in your own words. I like to read a chapter in the morning, then review and summarize the chapter before I go to bed.
  4. Summarize the book in one page or less – When you read the last paragraph of the final chapter, you’re not through with the book. Review all the chapter summaries you wrote and turn those into a comprehensive one page summary/review of the entire book. Use those blank pages at the beginning or end of the book. They are perfect for your summary page.
  5. Collect quotes – Remember all those little asterisks you put next to cool passages? Those are quotes that you can later use in presentations, proposals…or blog posts! But they’ll be tough to find later if you don’t collect them now. I like to put them all on one of the blank pages at the beginning or end of the book. When I need a quote to make my point, I pull a book off the shelf and within 60 seconds I have what I need.
  6. Index your takeaways – You’re almost done. Before you file that book on your bookshelf, review all your notes and summaries and select three big takeaways. Then decide how you can use those takeaways to make three changes in what you do. Just take a 3×5 index card, on one side write your takeaways, on the other side your changes/new practices. Stick that index card on your computer monitor for a while so that it sticks, then insert it back in the book.
  7. Save your books – The books you read are your reference library. Refer back to them often. Don’t know what to blog or tweet? Pull a book off the shelf. Need the proof to support your presentation? It’s right there in your library.

I took one marketing class in college. My marketing expertise is a combination of my experience plus the books I’ve read. Business books are your advanced college degree. So don’t just read a business book, digest it.

What are you reading best practices?

Common Sense Vs Marketing Sense

Each year, hundreds of graduate schools of business turn out thousands of marketing people. When they arrive on the scene, these newly minted marketers want to make their mark. 

So they dismiss their advertising agencies and hire new ones. They revamp the marketing plans, even including new systems of compensation for the sales force. They change names, logos, slogans and strategy statements. 

Welcome to the world of marketing. This happens every year, usually around budget time. 
 Maybe you remember the Cliff Freeman & Partners campaign. 

"Pizza. Pizza." 

"Two great pizzas for one low price." Thanks in part to its brilliant marketing program, Little Caesars that year was the second-largest pizza chain in America. Here are 1994 U.S. sales of the four major pizza chains. 
  • Pizza Hut: $5.4 billion
  • Little Caesars: $2.1 billion
  • Domino's: $1.9 billion
  • Papa John's: $450 million 
The following year, the tinkering began, starting with a major tinker. The company converted 30 takeout units in the Detroit area to "Little Caesars Italian Kitchens." Besides pizza, the new menu included lasagna, chicken, Greek salads, dessert pies and three kinds of pasta (tortellini, penne and farfalle). By the end of 1995, Little Caesars expected to operate 100 Italian Kitchens. Needless to say, that never happened.  

In 1996, Little Caesars rolled out "Delivery. Delivery." The takeout-only chain was now going to compete head-to-head with Domino's, the home-delivery leader. That same year, Little Caesars also introduced "Pizza by the Foot." Nearly four feet of food. (The creative twist to Pizza by the Foot was a "safety video" that customers had to watch before leaving the restaurant. Of course, they never watched the video.) 

In 1997, Little Caesars introduced "Big! Big! Pizzas." How big were the pizzas? As the advertising said, "Bigger than the sun!" 

Little Caesars' large pizza was 65% bigger than Pizza Hut's and Domino's. Little Caesars' medium pizza was 77% bigger. Little Caesars' small pizza was the same size as the other guys' large pizzas.

Somewhere along the way, the brilliant "Pizza. Pizza" concept disappeared in a cloud of creative confusion.

In the midst of all these changes, you seldom heard a word of caution from industry pundits. Quite the opposite. "Industry analysts say that by adding home delivery," according to USA Today, "Little Caesars can boost its business without purchasing a lot of costly equipment."

"You're at a competitive disadvantage," said one market research expert at the time, "if you're in the pizza business and not delivering."

That's common sense, of course, which is not the same as marketing sense. 

Common sense says a second slogan is additive. "Little Caesars is known for takeout, so we'll launch a delivery program. That way we'll be known for two ideas instead of one."

Marketing sense is subtractive. A second slogan seldom gets accepted because it conflicts with an established slogan in consumers' minds. Even worse, a second slogan often undermines the existing one. More is less. 

Where are they now?
So where is Little Caesars today? The once No. 2 chain is now buried in fourth place. Here are 2009 U.S. sales.
  • Pizza Hut: $5.0 billion
  • Domino's: $3.1 billion
  • Papa John's: $2.1 billion
  • Little Caesars: $1.2 billion
In 15 years of tinkering, U.S. sales of Little Caesars declined 42%. 

What is Little Caesars' current slogan? Who knows? Many consumers still have that "Pizza. Pizza" refrain bouncing around in their minds.

What is Pizza Hut's current advertising slogan? Who knows? The chain has never hammered an idea into consumers' minds, although it continues to benefit from its overall leadership position in the category.

What is Domino's current advertising slogan? Domino's once had one of the most powerful slogans in the pizza business. "Home delivery in 30 minutes or it's free." But safety issues forced the chain to withdraw the offer. So Domino's wisely introduced an idea that plays off its original guarantee. "You got 30 minutes."

Consider the quandary Domino's faced. For insurance reasons, it couldn't continue to use the 30-minute idea. So what should it do next? 

Common sense says it's better to develop a brand-new slogan than it is to use a watered-down version of an existing slogan.

But marketing sense is just the opposite. You'll never erase the 30-minute idea in consumers' minds so it's better to develop something that relates to that concept. 

The urge to tinker never dies. Even with Domino's long-term success, the chain recently ran a "mea culpa" campaign talking about the poor quality of its pizza and promising to do better. Sales shot up immediately, but I have my doubts about the long-term wisdom of moving away from the 30-minute idea. 

What is Papa John's current advertising slogan? Most people probably know. "Better ingredients. Better pizza. Papa John's." 

Financial matches marketing
In 15 years, Papa John's U.S. sales are up 365%, thanks to its consistent advertising message: "Better ingredients. Better pizza," an idea that positions the brand as a cut above the others.
Furthermore in the U.S., Papa John's has the highest annual per-unit sales of any chain in the pizza category.
  • Papa John's: $750,000
  • Pizza Hut: $661,000
  • Domino's: $621,000
  • Little Caesars: $472,000
In the same 15-year time period, Domino's sales are up 57%, thanks to the 30-minute idea and its existing position as the "delivery" leader. 

On the other hand, Pizza Hut is down 7%. Although it is the market leader, thanks to the fact that it was the first pizza brand in the mind, Pizza Hut has never had a memorable advertising slogan, including its latest "Your favorite. Your Pizza Hut."

And Little Caesars is down 42%.

Change with the times?
Common sense says that marketing messages have to constantly change in order to stay in tune with the times.

Marketing sense says that's nonsense. The way to build a brand is with a consistent message over an extended period of time.

Little Caesars didn't fall down the pizza ladder for a lack of creative ideas. In its 10-year history with Cliff Freeman & Partners, Little Caesars won 310 advertising industry awards, including the 4A's John O'Toole award for advertising excellence.

Furthermore, times don't change as much as many people think. Even today, some 80% of all pizza is sold on some kind of deal. So what was wrong with "Pizza. Pizza. Two great pizzas for one low price?"


What was wrong at Little Caesars in the 1990s is what's wrong with too many companies today.
They tinker with new ideas when they should be hammering the ideas that already exist in consumers' minds. Once a brand is established with a clearly defined marketing position, the brand's owner should ask a fundamental question before making any significant changes.

Why tinker with success?

Courtesy: Brand Strategy Insider

Love your Customer - If possible, a love affair

96360627 Satisfaction is nice.  Loyalty is good.  Repeat business is dandy.
But none of that is love.  And if you really want to get and keep a customer for life — you have to be willing to stick your neck out and love them.  You need to put your heart on your sleeve and woo them.

You need to create a love affair
with your customers.

Why?  Let me give you 5 good reasons.

It feels good:  No matter what you sell — it feels better to serve people you care about. It's easier to go the extra mile for customers that are special.  It helps elevate your work to noble work.  As my friend Steve Farber says…"do what you love in the service of people who love what you do."

It's easier to sell more to a current customer who loves you, than a new customer:  In fact, recent studies show that it 6-7 times more costly to acquire a new customer than it is to retain an old (in love) one.

It's more profitable:  Boosting your customer retention up by as little as 5% can elevate your profits by 5-95%.  New customers are more price sensitive and require a huge amount of up front time, even after you've closed the deal.

It generates word of mouth:  When a customer loves you, they can't help but talk about you to others.  When you make them feel special and go out of your way to love them — they will be your most powerful marketing tool — advocates who spread word of mouth.  

It's incredible for employee retention: Who doesn't want to work at a place that gives them permission to be incredibly kind and considerate?  Who wouldn't love to hear customers rave about them?  Who isn't looking for a way to put more meaning into their work?  Why not make it a labor of love!
Is there a business who has created a love affair with you?  How does it feel to be on the receiving end of that kind of attention?

The real question in my mind is — why wouldn't you create a love affair with your customers?

ATM Card Skimming - Beware

This is IMPORTANT to look out for!

Bank ATM's Converted to Steal IDs of Bank Customers

A team of organized criminals are installing equipment on legitimate bank ATM's in at least 2 regions to steal both the ATM card number and the PIN. The team sits nearby in a car receiving the information transmitted wirelessly over weekends and evenings from equipment they install on the front of the ATM (see photos). If you see an attachment like this, do not use the ATM and report it immediately to the bank using the 800 number or phone on the front of the ATM.

The equipment used to capture your ATM card number and PIN are cleverly disguised to look like normal ATM equipment. A "skimmer" is mounted to the front of the normal ATM card slot that reads the ATM card number and transmits it to the criminals sitting in a nearby car.

At the same time, a wireless camera is disguised to look like a leaflet holder and is mounted in a position to view ATM PIN entries.

The thieves copy the cards and use the PIN numbers to withdraw thousands from many accounts in a very short time directly from the bank ATM.

Equipment being installed on front of existing bank card slot.d
Equipment being installed on front of existing bank card slot.

The equipment as it appears installed over the normal ATM bank slot.
The equipment as it appears installed over the normal ATM bank slot.

The PIN reading camera being installed on the ATM is housed in an innocent looking leaflet enclosure.
The PIN reading camera being installed on the ATM is housed in an innocent looking leaflet enclosure.

The camera shown installed and ready to capture PIN's by looking down on the keypad as you enter your PIN
The camera shown installed and ready to capture PIN's by looking down on the keypad as you enter your PIN

Sale of 3g spectrum - Money marking

When the Internet policy was framed and announced by Government of India in 1998 there were no entry fees, no revenue share and the Internet Service Providers (ISP) could have his business in one city many cities ; one state many states of the whole of India.
And he could use wireless to access the customer and Internet to connect with the Internet through its own VSATs. This is one of the most liberal and service promoting policy in the entire world and was hailed as such. The NDA government accepted the plea that access to information, Internet service and telecommunications conduce to the building up of human resources, making information & knowledge accessible to every equipped Indian and therefore there should be no external cost imposed on the Internet service. Just as we don’t tax education . The same philosophy guided the NDA government and its Communications Minister in their migrating the private telephone companies (P-telcos) from an upfront crippling licence fee payment regime to one for revenue sharing and progressively opening up a national & international direct dialing to competition and corporatisation of the government’s telecom services into the BSNL.

All these measures led to the phenomenal growth of mobile telephony and public Internet kiosks ( just like public STD booths) on the larger number of telecom & telecom revenues government is getting a service tax and an education cess together amounting to over 12%. Actually these taxes are contrary to the concept that telecommunications conduce to human and economic development and the services should not be burdened with taxes and imposts at least for some time until the teledensity reaches about 70% or so as in China. One could except that the UPA government would be as liberal and understanding and generous as the NDA government in promoting telecommunications – mobile telephony & internet .

The mobile telephony in India today is of second generation technology with limited speech of data transportation because of limited bandwidth. The third generation mobile service use the radio spectrum in a different bands from those of the current GSM technology. It is called the 3G or third generation . They allows high speeds of 11mega bits and above so that what has come to be known as triple play telephony, data and video could be supported .

In Europe spectrum for the 3G services was auctioned. Companies bid billions of Euros and very soon from that there would be not enough investors to raise the money as because of spectrum was crippling and therefore to the service would have to be rise beyond the reach of a mass of users. They then petitioned the government to allow them to delay the deployment of the network. Even that did not help them to build the networks. Then they petitioned the government again to allow the sharing of the infrastructure namely the towers for the radio base stations and even a network. The competing companies would be selling traffic minutes and handsets and that all the multiplicity while the networks maybe one or two but not more so that the investment money required would be less. In the services could be affordable to many. This is what is agreed to in many countries of the European Union. This experience must be a lesson for us .

But unfortunately in the past the DOT which is supposed to promote teleecom usage and make the service more and more affordable took the initiative of proposing licence fees revenue share, entry fees and many other imposts. That shows the persistence of the monopolistic ideology in the officials of the DoT . Luckily over a period of time when the DOT’s telephone service got corporatised and the BSNL /MTNL are having to compete with the P-Telcos they are realizing that their existence in prosperity depends upon large mass of users and that could forthcoming only if the prices are flash to increase affordability. Therefore slowly the erstwhile monopolies now having to run competing companies are fearing to the view that the entry fee, revenue share spectrum charges should not be too high. While citizens thankful for this changed view but this is not sufficient. Actually as a promoter of telecom usage the DOT ought to be pledging that the service tax the education cess the Revenue Share must all be nominal and not phenomenal. If not for all time at least until the teledensity and also internet usage reach respectable levels like about 70% for the former and about 25%-35% for the latter service.

The Ministry of Finance (MOF) is reported to be wanting to impose an entry fee of Rs.250 cr. for the 3G spectrum. And a Revenue Share of 6%. The MOF hopes to raise Rs. 100cr from each telecom company applying for 3G spectrum licences. This is atrocious. There would have been a redeeming merit if all the amounts realised from telecom companies were put into a pool and used to promote the telecom research, indigenous telecom manufacturing industry and lifting up teledensity and Internet usage in the rural areas. No such noble ideas seem to be informing he MOF when it is wanting to make Rs. 1000 cr from each 3G companies for years they seem to be forgetting the wisdom in:

Let there be a chicken

Let it grow

Let it lay eggs

Let these eggs be golden ones and numerous and then I can take part of them.

Instead it wants to oppress them by imposing entry fee, revenue share etc. And what does MOF do with this money, use mostly for the program for feeding and breeding that is, subsidized rice and wheat and kerosene and sugar, free electricity, free house sites low interest non-realisable home buildings assistance and loans etc., which can bring votes but do not build any human resource. It is the characteristic of Nehrvian characteristic of India to neglect education and human resource development . Every Asian country which gained independence from colonial rule later than India has with in two to there decades achieved literacy and education levels for over 90% of their population but in India as vote getting is the prime consideration of Nehruvian socialist parties even after 58 years simple literacy is no more than 68% . The political parties and leaders wish to thrive one ignorance and the gullibility of poor people by keeping them for every poor and rewarding them only at election times cash in their pocket and drink in their mouths. And of course of late, by gifts of saries and TV sets and so on. None of these help building up our human resource development in stead they degrade the human mind which expects more and more that government should do everything for them and they themselves need not do anything.

It is astounding that so enlightened a person as the one who at head of the Tata Telecom has proposed an entree fee for Rs. 1500cr of the 3G spectrum licences. It seems to be outdoing even the Ministry of Finance and this could only be to crush any competitor venturing to challenge he vested interest this, the companies which are already in the mobile service business. Is is fortvit us that the growth of customers for this company is lack-luster. All wise men has and those who want that the country and its people should benefit from information knowledge should demand that the entry fee that instead of entry free, entry must be free; instead revenue shave which revenue share is it should be a nominal share to meet the cost of licencing and administering the spectrum. The policy of keeping the costs low by foreign the greedy revenues could be reviews every 5 years to see that the telecom & Internet usage as increased and from that usage people are deriving benefits and therefore it would not be burdensome for them to pay some taxes to the government .

Courtesy: Dr.Hanuman Chowdhary