Employees Training and Development

Employees Training and their development is an important aspect for organisational growth and sustainability. Aziz & Ahmad (2011) exhibits the importance of training & development programs in modern scenario.

Most of the organizations spend a huge amount to train their employees. Organizational characteristics (people, system & culture etc.), individual characteristics (personal skills & career development, learning etc.) and training program characteristics (improve the efficacy of business operations) are considered and integrated to make effective training (Aziz & Ahmad 2011).

The study of Denby (2010) also states that in the effectiveness of training, training need analysis plays an important role. On the basis of training need analysis, the efficacy of training program can be enhanced in an effective manner by providing efficient job related skills to individuals (Denby 2010).

On the other hand, the study of Noonan (2008) exhibits that proper collaboration between employees and employers enhance the effectiveness of training for employee development. It assists to enhance employee commitment towards personal and organizational development. Similarly, as discussed by Hassi and Storti (2011), training & development enhances and develops job related skills, technical skills, management skills and leadership skills etc. of individuals.

The article on the holistic approach to training (2011) exhibits that the effective training to each individual is a complex task for HR managers. In the efficacy of training programs, individuals, who have learning attitude, provide their maximum contribution for personal, professional and organizational development.


Aziz, S. F. A & Ahmad, S. (2011) Stimulating training motivation using the right training characteristic. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43 (1), p. 53-61.
Denby, S. (2010) The importance of training needs analysis. Industrial and Commercial Training, 42 (3), p. 147-150.
Hassi, A & Storti, G. (2011) Organizational training across cultures: variations in practices and attitudes. Journal of European Industrial Training, 35 (1), p. 45-70.
Noonan, J. (2008) Using collaboration tools to improve training. Industrial and Commercial Training, 40 (1), p. 51-53.

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Spenishta ties up with StormSource as official partner

Hyderabad  24/11/11..

Spenishta IT (INDIA) Pvt Ltd, a hyderabad based IT company is an official partner of US MultiNational Company ‘Storm Source’ based at Arizona.  Employment of 200 software professionals is in pipeline for various projects.

StormSource Software, Inc. is a software development company with offices in Scottsdale, Arizona and San Francisco, California. It has been a web-based software supplier since 2001. Their first web-based product was the Appointment-Plus Scheduling Software system, an industry leader in online scheduling software. In 2007, Appointment-Plus was selected by Microsoft Corp. as the software system of choice for referral for all Microsoft BCentral customers. 

StormSource clients include Fortune 500 companies such as PepsiCo and Nissan, universities such as Penn State University and the University of Mississippi, governmental entities such as states, counties and cities from across America, small and medium sized business enterprises worldwide and individual software users.

The deal will entitle Spenishta IT (INDIA) Pvt Ltd to develop software products and also to provide 50+ IT professionals in various platforms like Java, .NET, PHP and Web designing every month for StormSource Software

2011 - Top 10 Small Business Ideas

This year is probably the best time to start a business. Businesses have proven once again that they can survive under heavy pressure – they have adapted well.

Although some big companies are going out of business in 2010, the natural selection has done its job: Giving chances to creative small businesses to strive and thrive. This happens due to some obvious reasons: They are nimble, running on low overheads, and using tech trends to their advantages.

Budding entrepreneurs – to give you some ideas on what business to start this year, here are some small business ideas for you to consider:

  1. Online business and make money online
You can tell that this is my personal favourite. I continue to root on online business/make money online because of two obvious reasons: Cost-effective and lucrative. With many industries are going online, the future is darn bright! Online tutoring, online store, website flipping, etc. – all look promising.

  1. Personalised products and/or services
Personalisation is trendy. People no longer really want to wear a Mark Ecko t-shirt – you want “YOUR” t-shirt printed with YOUR choice of image; you don’t want a Hallmark greeting card – you want “YOUR” greeting card made especially for you; starting a business offering clients uniqueness and individualistic flavour will give you a best chance to succeed.

  1. Social media consultant/promoter/marketer
Having an established business website for your small business is no longer effective – you need to go social in your effort to promote your business. Unfortunately (or fortunately?) not all small business owner are “social-media-literate” – this is clearly a gap in the market. Starting a social media consulting business helping small business owners to promote their products and services to Twitter, Facebook and the likes will bring you a lucrative opportunity as demand is very high.

  1. Cloud business / cloud working services
The cloud or cloud computing is probably only a buzz word or marketing gimmick, but the benefits are there: Migrating part or all of your business process to the cloud can help you cut costs and increase productivity. Starting a business offering cloud services is a great opportunity to reach huge, untapped market of business owners. What is cloud business, anyway?

  1. Small business with a cause
“Do business with us and we will plant a tree on your behalf” is a great small business idea. People basically love to give to others, in many different ways. Some don’t really want to help others directly; they are more interested in getting what they want while doing something worthwhile in the process. Offering your products and services with an embedded social cause(s) can offer you a win-win situation: Happy customers, happy charities and happy business.

  1. Crowdsourcing services
Your business is only as good as what your target market think of you. That’s why crowdsourcing makes sense. Offering an opportunity for the crowd (passer-bys website visitors, etc.) to decide what’s best for you can eliminate your need for market research. This makes a powerful business idea: Offering a service to meet businesses with the crowd. Kiva.org is an example of crowdsourcing service – it is a crowdfunding business allowing people to fund budding entrepreneurs with limited budget.

  1. Services to Home-based business
Home based business is good, but offering services to those who work at home is terrific. Some small business ideas: An online community for home-based business owners, delivery services for home-based businesses, home office maintenance services, etc.

  1. Natural disaster recovery business
There are plenty of floods and earthquakes, including wildfire and other force majeure issues in 2010. The aftermath is devastating for those impacted by the disasters, and helps are much needed in those events. Offering a natural disaster recovery services to the public is not only a noble deed, but also a lucrative one, due to the possible partnership with the Government; the Gov’t will seek for recovery partners and you’d better be there to answer the call! A quick-construction business, amenities supply business, etc. can be both helpful and profitable.

  1. Green and organic business
Green energy, green construction, organic foods, organic clothing, etc. make great business in 2011, as people are becoming more and more aware toward the impact of carbon and other non-degradable materials to the earth.

  1. Real-time online-off line combo business
Child safety plastic tags that are connected to the GPS and online system to avoid child abduction and interactive restaurant menu with touchscreen are a couple of examples of online-off line combo products/services. Starting a business offering products and services that integrate both worlds flawlessly is well sought after.

How to control your anger? - 12 Easy steps

Anger can be normal and healthy emotion that helps us instinctively detect and respond to a threatening situation. More than this, when it is properly channeled, it can be a powerful motivating force – we all know how hard we can work to remedy an obvious injustice.

However it can also be an emotion that gets out of control, leading to stress, distress, unhealthiness and unhappiness. Uncontrolled anger can seriously harm your personal and professional life, because it can become incredibly destructive – to yourself and the people around you.
And in a modern workplace that often demands trust and collaboration, it can cause great damage to working relationships.
This article teaches an effective 12-step approach that helps you direct your anger constructively rather than destructively. The 12-step approach is based on the ideas of Duke University's Redford Williams, MD, who with his wife, authored the best-selling book Anger Kills. (In this book, Williams discusses 17 steps for controlling anger – these are often abridged to the 12 steps described here.)

Understanding the Theory

Anger is a well-developed coping mechanism that we turn to when our goals are frustrated, or when we feel threat to ourselves or to people, things and ideas we care about. It helps us react quickly and decisively in situations where there is no time for a careful, reasoned analysis of the situation. And it can motivate us to solve problems, achieve our goals, and remove threats.
Acting in anger can serve, therefore, to protect yourself or others. A positive response and constructive outcome can improve your self-esteem and self-confidence.

The Danger of Anger – Foolishness...

On the other hand, a negative response can damage relationships and lead to a loss of respect and self-respect. This is particularly the case when we react instantly and angrily to what we perceive to be a threat, but where that perception is wrong. This can leave us looking very foolish.
So we need to learn to use anger positively, and manage it so that it is constructive and not destructive. Where situations are not immediately life-threatening, we need to calm down and evaluate the accuracy of our perceptions before, if necessary, channeling anger in a powerful but controlled way.
Anger management, then, is the process of learning how to "calm down" and diffuse the negative emotion of anger before it gets to a destructive level.

A Subjective Experience

People experience anger in many different ways and for many different reasons. What makes you angry may only mildly irritate one of your colleagues, and have little to no effect on another. This subjectivity can make anger difficult to understand and deal with; it also highlights that the response is down to you. So anger management focuses on managing your response (rather than specific external factors). By learning to manage your anger, you can develop techniques to deal with and expel the negative response and emotions before it causes you serious stress, anxiety and discomfort.
Despite our differences in the level of anger we feel toward something, there are some universal causes of anger that include:
  • Frustration of our goals.
  • Hurt.
  • Harassment.
  • Personal attack (mental or physical) on ourselves.
  • Threat to people, things or ideas that we hold dear.
We commonly experience these potential anger triggers in our daily lives. An appropriate level of anger that is expressed correctly helps us take the right action, solve the problem that is presenting itself, or deal with the situation in a positive manner. If we can learn to manage our anger, we will learn to express it appropriately and act constructively.

Using the Tool

So when you're angry, use Redford Williams' 12 steps to calm down:
Step 1: Maintain a "Hostility Log"
Download our free Hostility Log worksheet and use it to monitor what triggers your anger and the frequency of your anger responses. When you know what makes you angry, you will be in a much better position to develop strategies to contain it or channel it effectively.
Step 2: If You Do, Acknowledge That You Have a Problem Managing Anger
It is an observed truth that you cannot change what you don't acknowledge. So it is important to identify and accept that anger is a roadblock to your success.
Step 3: Use Your Support Network
If anger is a problem, let the important people in your life know about the changes you are trying to make. They can be a source of motivation and their support will help you when you lapse into old behavior patterns.
Step 4: Use Anger Management Techniques to Interrupt the Anger Cycle
  • Pause.
  • Take deep breaths.
  • Tell your self you can handle the situation.
  • Stop the negative thoughts.
Step 5: Use Empathy
If another person is the source of your anger, try to see the situation from his or her perspective. Remind yourself to be objective and realize that everyone makes mistakes and it is through mistakes that people learn how to improve.
Step 6: Laugh at Yourself
Humor is often the best medicine. Learn to laugh at yourself and not take everything so seriously.
The next time you feel tempted to kick the photocopier, think about how silly you would look and see the humor in your inappropriate expressions of anger.
Step 7: Relax
Angry people are often the ones who let the little things bother them. If you learn to calm down you will realize that there is no need to get uptight and you will have fewer angry episodes.
Step 8: Build Trust
Angry people can be cynical people. They believe that others are going to do something on purpose to annoy or frustrate them even before it happens. If you can build trust in people you will be less likely to become angry with them when something does go wrong and more likely to attribute the problem to something other than a malicious intent.
Step 9: Listen
Miscommunication contributes to frustrating and mistrusting situations. The better you listen to what a person is saying, the better able you will be to find a resolution that does not involve an anger response.
Step 10: Be Assertive
Remember, the word is assertive NOT aggressive. When you are angry it is often difficult to express yourself properly. You are too caught up in the negative emotion and your physiological symptoms (beating heart, red face) to put together solid arguments or appropriate responses. If you learn to assert yourself and let other people know your expectations, boundaries, issues, and so on, you will have much more interpersonal success.
Step 11: Live Each Day as if it is Your Last
This saying may be overused, but it holds a fundamental truth. Life is short and it is much better spent positively than negatively. Realize that if you spend all your time getting angry, you will miss out on the many joys and surprises that life has to offer.
Step 12: Forgive
To ensure that the changes you are making go much deeper than the surface, you need to forgive the people in your life that have angered you. It is not easy letting go of past hurts and resentments but the only way to move past your anger is to let go of these feelings and start fresh. (Depending on what, or who, is at the root of your anger, you may have to solicit the help of a professional to achieve this fully.)
These 12 steps form a comprehensive plan to get control of inappropriate and unproductive anger. And the quicker you begin the better. Anger and stress are highly correlated and the effects of stress on the body are well documented. Visit the MindTools stress management section to learn even more about the effects of stress and how to deal with it. You will find that many of the techniques presented here are used in stress management as well because both are negative, emotional-based influences in our lives, and the approach for dealing with them is therefore quite similar.
Even if you are not at the point where you feel your anger is a problem, it is a wise idea to familiarize yourself with the processes listed. If you do not have the tools to deal with anger correctly, it has a way of building-up over time. Before you know it, you can be in a position where anger is controlling you and becoming a negative influence in your life. Being proactive with anger management will help to ensure it remains a healthy emotion that protects you from unnecessary hurt or threat.

eCommerce: What it is

What is e-Commerce?

An environment in which most of the business transactions occurs through telecommunications networks, especially with the help of the internet, are known as e-commerce. Electronic commerce pertains to the buying selling process or exchanging of products, services, and information via diverse computer networks along with the internet.

In present, the internet has come forth as a key international distribution channel for goods, services, management and specialized jobs (Lancaster and Reynolds 2005). The practice of e-commerce is significantly altering economics, markets and industry composition and structure, products and services and their stream, consumer segmentation etc.

Almost all type of business related activities and consumer values has altered with emerging e-commerce practices and similar is the situation with travel and tourism industries from different parts of the world (Simpson and Docherty 2006).

E-commerce is the trend of the global marketplace that is increasingly used by the business organizations to attain maximum advantages (Bauknecht, Pröll & Werthner 2005). E-commerce is electronic sells and purchases of goods and services through the use of internet.

The increasing use of e-commerce by travel companies is helping customers to have access on more information on different companies’ diverse tourist destinations and services.

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Need Assignment or Any Business Help - Info@assignmenthelpexperts.com
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Bauknecht, K. Pröll, B & Werthner, H. (2005) E-Commerce and Web Technologies: 6th International Conference. Germany: Springer Science & Business.
Lancaster, G. & Reynolds, P. (2005) Management of Marketing. Burlington: Butterworth-Heinemann.
Simpson, M & Docherty, A. (2006) E-commerce adoption support and advice for UK SMEs, Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 11(3), p.315-328.

Why this kolaveri kolaveri di? Blockbuster song of 2012

yo boys i am singing song
soup song
flop song
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
rhythm correct
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
maintain this
why this kolaveri..di

distance la moon-u moon-u 
moon-u  color-u  white-u
white background night-u nigth-u
night-u color-u black-u

why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di

white skin-u girl-u girl-u
girl-u heart-u black-u
eyes-u eyes-u meet-u meet-u
my future dark

why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di

maama notes eduthuko
apdiye kaila snacks eduthuko
pa pa paan pa pa paan pa pa paa pa pa paan
sariya vaasi
super maama ready
ready 1 2 3 4

whaa wat a change over maama

ok maama now tune change-u

kaila glass
only english.. 

hand la glass
glass la scotch
eyes-u full-aa tear-u
empty life-u
girl-u come-u
life reverse gear-u
lovvu lovvu 
oh my lovvu
you showed me bouv-u
cow-u cow-u holi cow-u
i want u hear now-u
god i m dying now-u
she is happy how-u

this song for soup boys-u
we dont have choice-u

why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di
why this kolaveri kolaveri kolaveri di

flop song

Best websites for .NET developers

There are currently millions of developers worldwide that are using Microsoft.NET technologies. If you are one of them or want to become one, then each of the websites I am about to list should be in your list of favorites, your list of bookmarks, or just written down on a piece of paper (yeah right, as if a .NET developer would use a pen and paper).

For those of you not familiar with Microsoft.NET technologies, they represent a platform and set of tools that computer programmers can use to build very rich, interactive applications for the Windows desktop, the Internet, or even hand-held mobile devices. Chances are strong that one of your favorite websites was built using Microsoft ASP.NET.

1. CodeProject

I cannot count the number of times I have downloaded code from this site over the years. The quick and helpful articles always include a code download and are written by real world developers who give you straight to the point help for a particular coding problem.
Developers who submit articles to the website are not paid, but instead submit the article and code to get approval of the site’s community. The site covers more than just .NET and the Windows platform, so it is a good resource for developers that need to go outside of their normal skill sets.

2. DotNetNuke

DotNetNuke is an open source framework that developers can download and use to build their own web applications using Microsoft ASP.NET. If you are a .NET developer and you have not at least downloaded the code to look at it, then you really need to immediately.
The software has been through several iterations over the years and demonstrates some of the most efficient coding practices around. Even though the site includes a professional edition for purchase, there is a community edition which is free to download and very much worth registering free with the site to access.

3. 4GuysFromRolla

If you are a web developer, which let’s face it, most .NET developers are, then this is a must visit site. It includes articles that cover everything you need to know about ASP.NETand even includes a lot of information for ASP developers (because, believe it or not, there are still developers out there using ASP).
Over the years, I have had numerous problems resolved by looking at posts on their forum or learned how to incorporate some slick new feature using one of the frequently posted articles.

4. DevSource

As you can see from the image, this online development magazine is sponsored by Microsoft, but don’t hold that against them.  I strongly suggest subscribing to their free weekly newsletter, since it will keep you up to date on all the latest rumblings coming out of Microsoft.
You also should check out the DevLife column, which includes regular posts by the experienced and very down to earth, Julia Lerman.

5. DevX

Another online development magazine, this one is not solely focused on Microsoft technologies and tends to profile some really interesting and niche technologies.
I have personally written several articles for them since they are one of the only web sites that wants articles about robotics and speech technologies. Their near daily stream of articles cover everything from traditional .NET development to VB classic (yeah, because there are still some people doing that still).

6. MSDN Magazine

MSDN Magazine is for the development world what the Nature Journal is for scientists. It includes standards that every developer should be following. They are VERY strict on what content gets into this journal. An article in MSDN magazine is typically much longer and more in depth than articles in any of the online resources I have previously mentioned. But you can feel assured that the articles were scoured and well picked though before making it to print.

7. Channel9

This Microsoft resource is a must see for anyone that loves to watch videos about really cool technologies. The Channel 9 team goes around the Microsoft campus interviewing various teams and often offers a sneak peek of up and coming software and technology.
In addition to interviewing the folks at Microsoft, Channel 9 also talks to industry gurus outside of Microsoft.

8. ScottGu’s Blog

Scott Guthrie is the Corporate Vice President for the Developer Division at Microsoft and his regularly updated blog often features announcements not seen any where else.
Scott covers everything from .NET base class libraries to Silverlight. If you want to impress your developer friends with your seemingly inside track to Microsoft, this is the site to visit.
If you are a .NET developer and you know of some really helpful sites, drop us a note and let us know about them. There are tons of resources out there for .NET developers. These are just a few of my all time favorites, so we would love to hear of others that you like.