What do you do with it: The idea is to alter one's consciousness, but heroin is highly addictive (oh, and illegal). Short-term effects include flushed skin, dry mouth, heavy limbs, and "the nod"- a state where one is part drowsy, part awake. Long-term effects include collapsed veins, infection of the heart lining and valves, abscesses, cellulites, and liver disease.
What do you do this: Platinum can be used as a catalyst in scientific experiments, worn as jewelry, and taken in anti-cancer drugs.
What do you do with it: Rhodium is a member of the platinum family of metals and is mostly used in three way catalytic converters to reduce a car's carbon emissions.
What do you do with it: Make nuclear things. There are two kinds of plutonium, according to the World Nuclear Association, weapons grade and reactor grade.
Diamonds (gem quality)
*Cost: a really good once can cost you up to $12,522.25/g.
What do you do with it: Make people happy.
*FYI: A carat = 0.2 grams
What do you do with it: Make people happy.
*FYI: A carat = 0.2 grams
What do you do with it: Some people relive the 60s, pretty much everyone hallucinates.
Hafnium and Tantalum Isomers
What do you do with it: Both of these substances can be used to make control rods to cool nuclear reactors.
What do you do with it: Most of us will never experience this first hand. But theoretically, anti-matter has the greatest energy density of any energy source and 1 kg of antimatter has the power of 47 megatons of TNT. Its incredibly expensive because it takes incredibly expensive technology to create it.